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  • Some good news, although I don’t know why it works. I had thought I was using a default contact form in the test download but proved that this assumption was incorrect.

    I created a brand new default contact form for the test page and now EBD works, the file is served correctly!

    I’m sorry that I made such a basic error in not following the M and S Consuting instructions to the letter… I should know better. Anyway, it’s a step forward.

    But the question is why and what does that mean for all our existing forms? How do we get these forms to work again? If I have to recreate all the forms are there some new guidelines to follow? I suspect that can only be answered once the cause is known.

    It seems to be something which is precipitated by a change introduced in the WordPress 4.4.x update.

    After much testing I believed I have isolated and worked-around the EBD problem on our site.

    I have found that one Contact Form field in particular, the email field, must now be named your-email. No other email field name seems to work and it is also case sensitive, for example, using Your-Email will not work, even if the Mail fields include the correct case for the email field name. Apart from the email field, no other field name changes I tested, such as text and textarea, precipitates the blank download page problem and where your download is not served.

    I fixed our live RecollX download form by changing the email field name from [email-addr], which had literally worked for years prior to the WordPress 4.4.x upgrade, to [your-email] and voila, it all works again!

    I hope the isolation of the syntax dependence on the [your-email] Contact Form 7 field will provide the clue necessary to resolve the underlying cause of the problem.

    Thank you Dtynan for your feedback.

    You must use a field name of “your-name” and a field name of “your-email” for the form names for a name field and an email field. That is a requirement of EBD.

    Ok, I didn’t know.

    I’m moving now on holidays during 15 days, I’ll try when I’ll be back.
    And I’ll tell if it works.

    Thank you again, I’m hopeful!

    While we installed EBD with the idea of having the option of emailing the link, we’ve never used it.

    You must use a field name of “your-name” and a field name of “your-email” for the form names for a name field and an email field. That is a requirement of EBD.

    We do not use “your-name” for the Contact Form 7 name field and yet EBD has always worked until recently and does again now with the “your-email” email field name work-around documented above.

    If you decide to configure the Email Before Download option to send the user an email with a link to the download, then you will want to name the email field “your-email” as shown in the example screenshots. Outside of that, nothing special.

    EBD’s FAQ, quoted above, states that you only need to use the “your-email” email field name if you use the EBD email option with the link. We do not and never have. It worked until the recent site updates, the most notable being the WordPress 4.4.x.

    So the question remains: what changed recently to make “your-email” the required Contact Form 7 email field name for EBD when only serving the file for download (i.e. using inline link option only)?

    Awesome Advansys, that’s great news!

    First, you are right, I overstated things by saying “your-name” is required for things to work. Things will work without that, but if you want the name to show up in the log then you have to use “your-name”.

    I can only speculate as to what’s happening, but here are some thoughts:

    “your-email” is needed for it to properly send the outgoing email to the address the web surfer has entered on your EBD form on your webpage. The function used by EBD is “wp_mail” and the first argument is that email address from the form. There is another email that I call the “notification email” that is sent to the email address configured in Contact Form 7 for your form that you are using in the EBD shortcode. Normally, the email address in there is your WordPress admin email address (however you could have changed it to something else).

    Perhaps on WP 4.4, the wp_mail function kills the php program if you don’t give it a valid email address and thus you get a blank screen (because the program died). Maybe in 4.3 it caught that failure & still gave you a download link or new screen or whatever and didn’t fail completely. I don’t know if your 4.3 set up was really sending both emails or not (perhaps you were confusing the notification email with the other one that goes out, not sure).

    Another possibility is that things go into the database when the user hits Submit on the form. Those things stay in the database. I have seen it happen that it will use the data from the database and ignore changes you have made if you do not get a new Contact Form ID and/or Download ID. That is why you sometimes see me tell people to make an entirely new test page with new file uploads with new filenames, etc. If you get all new IDs and new filenames and the problem persists, then I know it’s not leftover data in the database. I can’t specifically say if that was your issue or not, just that it may somehow have been the issue or part of the issue — the fact you changed contact form IDs and things changed makes it highly likely that either you had “leftover” data in there and/or that you hardcoded that email address in the CF7 form so that the notification email is being sent to that address and perhaps you thought it was the email with the download link. By the way, the best way to ensure things are right is to have 3 email addresses — put the WP Admin email address in the contact form 7 as it should be, then use the other 2 email addresses (one in gmail & one in yahoo) as test addresses to put in the form. Then, run a test, make sure you get an email notification to the WP administrator email and another to the gmail or yahoo test account, then repeat with the other test email address, just in case.

    Hi dtynan, thanks again for your feedback.

    I don’t know if your 4.3 set up was really sending both emails or not (perhaps you were confusing the notification email with the other one that goes out, not sure).

    We use only the Contact Form 7 notification email and not the EBD email feature (we use in-line link only).

    Things will work without that, but if you want the name to show up in the log then you have to use “your-name”.

    Good to know, although we collect both first and last name in our forms which means we cannot use your-name. We don’t generally refer to the logs much because we collect and monitor the Contact Form 7 emails.

    the fact you changed contact form IDs and things changed makes it highly likely that either you had “leftover” data in there and/or that you hardcoded that email address in the CF7 form so that the notification email is being sent to that address and perhaps you thought it was the email with the download link.

    I’m not sure I understand this advice because we don’t use the email with the download link. As mentioned previously, to get our original Contact Form 7 download form to work, the only change I made to make the download page work is to change the email field name to “your-email”. Nothing else has changed.

    With the information provided, I’m hoping that M&S Consulting will be able to replicate the problem and discover the exact cause. While there is a work-around, as something changed recently, it’s probably best to know what and hopefully create a more elegant solution.

    Below are the steps (from memory).

    1. Create a new Contact Form 7 form.
    2. Rename the email field name to something other than “your-email”.
    3. Use the email field for setting up the primary Contact Form 7 email.
    4. Configure EBD to use inline only (not email with link).
    5. Configure a test download file in Download Monitor.
    6. Create page which uses the EBD shortcode with the test download and form.
    7. Test the form to see if it serves the file correctly when the page download file link is clicked (in my case it fails with a blank page and no file served).
    8. Rename the Contact Form 7 email field back to “your-email”, update the Contact Form 7 primary email to use the renamed field and retest the inline link download. It should now work.

    I hope this helps. Thanks again dtynan for all your help.

    Advansys – ok, I couldn’t recall if you were ‘inline’ only or ‘both’. Well, hmmm. I’ve looked through the php and I don’t see how making it “your-email” would matter if you were ‘inline’, but perhaps it does now somehow in WP 4.4.

    What I was trying to get at earlier that you found confusing (well part of the confusing part, heh), is that you had an update above where you said you -thought- you were using the default contact form, but turns out you weren’t, then you made a new contact form and things started working. That update is followed by another update where you mention after much testing you think it is related to “your-email”. While that could be, what I was wondering is if it was really the new contact form that you made (regardless of the your-email field name) and the new contact form “fixed” things for you by preventing it from using old leftover data in the database. However, that doesn’t appear to be the case if you’re saying you can follow the numbered steps you just laid out and that’s what happens (since in those steps it says it doesn’t work with a new contact form unless it’s “your-email”).

    Anyway, it’s good that you have a procedure that works for you and perhaps for anyone else in your spot. M&S might spot something I missed about “your-email”, but as far as I can tell it shouldn’t matter for “inline” (though, maybe something changed in WP 4.4 that made it make a difference)….

    ps – You did check for php error log files right? Usually named “error_log” and they get dropped in various directories in your WP install typically (unless the php config was changed). The blank screen kind of sounds like a php program erroring and aborting .. maybe it dropped a msg in the error_log. Wait, nevermind, I just remembered you mentioned an error out of the error_log early on so clearly you’re looking in those. Ok, well, who knows… I’m just glad you got it working. Good luck!

    @m&S Consulting: when you get the opportunity, could you please let us know if you can duplicate the blank download page issue when using WordPress 4.4.x, EBD inline link only option and a Contact Form 7 email field named something other than “your-email”?


    I have similar problem I have set up all plugins and did everything according plugin webpage but after inserting info to CF I do not even get url link to download.

    please can anyone help me?

    test site:
    short code used: [email-download download_id=”1784″ contact_form_id=”1788″]
    Url of the download file:

    Thank you

    Unfortunately, I’m another one on this list of 4.4 Errors.

    My setup:
    Apache 2.0
    PHP 5.6.16
    Wordpress 4.4.1

    Download form page:

    Shortcode used:
    [email-download download_id="257" contact_form_id="259"]
    nb. This is being used in a CPT names ‘resources’.

    Download Url:

    I have tested in isolation, and both work:

    • Download manager link
    • Contact Form 7

    It only breaks, in my case I cannot even see successful email message, when I introduce the EBD plugin. Despite no success message, and constant loading, the confirmation email is always sent by contact form 7 to make myself aware someone has downloaded the file. It’s also counted as a download. But there’s no successful message, nor download link.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. I’m happy to pay for development time, but reading the thread other have tried and failed.

    Thread Starter ticao88


    I reeeeeeally appreciate the effort of all you guys!!!!

    I simply changed the tag name for “your-name” and now it works!!!!

    Have a great year y’all!!!

    nate.taylor your program is throwing the following error:

    Notice: Undefined index: ebd_downloads in /sharedstorage/sites/ on line 432

    I think that might be happening because you have used the code for checkboxes in your form that you set up in Contact Form 7. I’m not sure about that, but I think that’s what is happening. Assuming you are doing a single file download then you don’t need to have the ebd or ebd_left code in your form and you should take it out if it’s in there.

    olej891 your form is not being submitted using ajax and is instead doing a normal form POST (non-ajax).

    Contact Form 7 is what handles the ajax part, so your problem probably has to do with that. I suggest you review this page:

    Most likely your theme does not have the wp-footer or whatever that they are referring to and that is what is preventing the ajax from working (or it could be one of the other issues they list on there).

    There is a slight chance that it is because you named one of the fields on your form “your-message”. I don’t think that’s a problem, but it might be. If nothing else works you might try changing that field from your-message to the-message or something like that. But, most likely, it is one of the problems listed on that CF7 ajax help page that I mentioned.

    dtynan – thank you for the quick response.
    I don’t have any checkboxes – I literally used the default form, but removed subject and textarea.

    <p style="color: red;">Plugin not working, awaiting fix: <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
    <p>Please fill in the form to gain access to your download immediately. An email will also be sent to your where you can download the content for up to a month.</p>
    <p>Your Name (required)<br />
        [text* your-name] </p>
    <p>Your Email (required)<br />
        [email* your-email] </p>
    <p>[submit "Send"]</p>

    I have tried inline, email and both. None allow the successful message, yet all get the download email from contact form 7. Just no download link email from EBD, and no download button on the page.

    Out of curiosity – I was searching the console, and have errors turned on, but I could only find the ajax response that’s hidden: “Unexpected token N”. How did you find that “Notice”?

    dtynan thank you very much man it one line in footer.php did the trick

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