OK, I reinstalled the Merchant One Plugin. The fields have changed to:
Merchantone username
Merchantone password
However, when using the Plugin, I am still getting:
The ccexp field is required REFID:3183223282
All requires fields on the Order are filled it.
Well, this is real odd:
<label for=”authorizeaim-card-expiry”>Expiry (MM/YY) <span class=”required”>*</span></label>
<input id=”authorizeaim-card-expiry” class=”input-text wc-credit-card-form-card-expiry” type=”text” autocomplete=”off” placeholder=”MM / YY” name=”authorizeaim-card-expiry” maxlength=”7″ />
The other two fields are fine:
input id=”merchantonegateway-card-number”
input id=”merchantonegateway-card-cvc”
Now where is it getting the authorizeaim-card-expiry from and why aren’t the other two fields changed to match?
I did have another Authorized.net elimination Plugin running but I have disabled it within Woocommerce … same results.
I have Deactivated it … and I get:
input id=”merchantonegateway-card-expiry”
At least now I got something to research. The other emulation Plugin I am using with the only thing changed is the the LiveURL:
Authorize.net for WooCommerce 1.2
Also, is it possible to add a Description field so it shows on the Checkout form?
Thank you.