not working langange po
my wordpress is in Fr.
My theme is in En (default)
But i want a my website in ArSo
add_filter( 'locale', 'change_locale' ); function change_locale(){ return 'ar_AR'; } //load_default_textdomain(); load_textdomain('theme4press',get_template_directory().'/languages/');
<html xmlns="" <?php language_attributes(); ?>>
===> ar-AR : fine
<?php _e( 'To search type and hit enter', 'theme4press' ); ?>
#: searchform.php:15 msgid "To search type and hit enter" msgstr "rechcherche"
#: searchform.php:15 msgid "To search type and hit enter" msgstr "?????"
if i delete the fr.po then it work
but if the two (fr and ar) po exit in the directory langange,
To search type and hit enter is convertir to rechcherche
how can i fix it ?!
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