The featured pages circle/zoom effects will never work on old versions of IE. IE didn’t conform to lots of standards. In particular, the transition property that causes the zooming of the featured images is not supported in IE 9 and below, and the border-radius property that makes the featured images circular is not supported in IE 8 and below.
Check out the Can I Use… site to understand the problems with the various IE versions.
For the clickability, Andrew Nevins suggested a fix here, using the .ie8 selector, but it doesn’t seem to work. You could try the more general .ie
selector instead:
.ie .round-div {
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
However, be aware that it may break other versions of IE. IE’s lack of adherence to standards over the years causes a situation where the patches you apply to fix one version may break other versions. Andrew was probably trying to restrict the damage by using the .ie8
selector, but as it didn’t work, it’s worth trying the more generic .ie
selector above. But test it first on all versions or IE you can get your hands on. (And let us know if it works for you on IE8.)
Tip: While fixing IE problems in your stylesheet, make sure you don’t swear. It can stop your pages loading behind profanity-filters. ??