Hey Peiler, I had the same issue myself. Maybe I can help.
I found that WCB isn’t working with Salient because of how Salient calls woocommerce content inside of the file woocommerce.php.
WCB passes their class to the action hook woocommerce_before_main_content, but since there’s no do_action(‘woocommerce_before_main_content’) hook in Salient’s woocommerce.php file, it doesn’t show up.
You could do a few things, either add the hook do_action(‘woocommerce_before_main_content’); to the file, and have the banner image loaded inside of div.main-content, or you can add this hook do_action(‘before_woocommerce_init’); and have it load before the main content and be a fullwidth banner image.
Below is what I changed to get WCB working with a child theme of Salient.
Open your functions.php file and add this line:
add_action( 'before_woocommerce_init', array( 'WCB_Category_Banner', 'wcb_show_category_banner' ), 30 );
now open your woocommerce.php file and change this block:
<?php get_header();
if(is_shop() || is_product_category() || is_product_tag()) {
//page header for main shop page
to this:
<?php get_header();
if( is_shop() ) {
//page header for main shop page
} else {
if ( is_product_category() || is_product_tag() ) {
<div class="banner">
<?php do_action( 'before_woocommerce_init' ); ?>
I also had to include the styling below so there wasn’t a gap at the bottom of the banner image.
.woocommerce img, .woocommerce-page img {
vertical-align: middle;