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  • I’ll take a look. Do you know by chance if it stopped working after an update to this plugin or an update to their plugin?

    Thread Starter Willem-Siebe



    No sorry, don’t know. But similar plugins like yours also did not work, that’s the only thing I know for sure ;-).


    I’m experiencing the same issue as well. Images are being rotated weirdly and cropped. Not sure what is going on. Could you please take a look?



    Is it just the rotation of images that you’re having trouble with? Our plugin will never crop an image so it must be the result of some other plugin you’re running. Are you running any other image-based plugins?


    I’ve taken a look at All Import plugin, and there’s nothing I can see that should affect it, however it is a pretty big plugin so I may have missed it. If it’s also affecting similar plugins to ours then there must be an issue with All Import. We use fairly standard WordPress functions to do the resizing and hook the resizing into the uploading functionality; so there must be something that All Import are doing which breaks the standard funcitonality. It may be worth asking them the equivalent support request at their forum to see if they are doing anything that may affect image uploading and resizing.

    Has this been resolved? I use WP All Import and was interested in using this plugin too.

    Thread Starter Willem-Siebe


    Hi, this is what they say:

    WP All Import doesn’t do anything to the images besides hand them off to WordPress. If you like, send us the hooks you’re using and I’ll check to see if WP All Import is activating them during the import of an image.

    Asking what they mean with hooks:

    Joe means that if it is possible that you send us any code (custom functions) you are attaching to the import to handle the resizing of the images so that we can review them.

    I will just tell them about your plugin and look in the hooks you are using. Or can you give specific info to WP All Import?


    The two hooks we attach our code to are:

    // Hook in the options page
    add_action('admin_menu', 'jr_uploadresize_options_page');
    // Hook the function to the upload handler
    add_action('wp_handle_upload', 'jr_uploadresize_resize');

    The wp_handle_upload function is the main one and allows you to do stuff to uploaded files (i.e. in our case, resize the image). When a file of an image format is uploaded, we implement the function wp_get_image_editor() to do the resizing if necessary.

    I’m not sure exactly what All Import is doing, but if they are also using that hook then perhaps they are overwriting our use of the hook. I can maybe find time tomorrow to try and alter the priority that we perform our action to see if that helps. I’ll keep you posted.


    Hi again,

    I’ve just realised that if both our plugins are using the same priority level on that hook, and WordPress chooses to run our plugin first, then our plugin will not influence files uploaded through All Import. I’ll see what I can do when I do an update tomorrow.


    Thread Starter Willem-Siebe


    Hi! This is the response I got:

    Hi Willem,

    WP All Import uses standard WordPress functions to create attachments such as ‘wp_insert_attachment’ and ‘wp_update_attachment_metadata’, but we don’t use the wp_handle_upload function.

    You can, however, use our action reference to manually fire the jr_uploadresize_resize function that the plugin is using. You can read more about the action reference here:

    Is that helpfull for you?

    do we have any news about that problem? is wp all import working well with this plugin?

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