DON’T EVEN TRY TO USE THIS IN PRODUCTION! Seriously, please please pretty please don’t upload this to your live site yet. This is just a really early version and I only tested it with ONE composition. I already know, that it doesn’t work for multiple comps on one page. For those of you that have a local dev setup, please try to test it. I’ll only commit changes to the Git Hub repo, SVN drives me nuts. When we have something working I’ll publish it here in the official plugin repo.
You can download the zipped version and replace the whole edge-suite plugin folder. You need to either delete (not recommended) or move the “old/current” edge-suite folder somewhere else, don’t just rename it, that won’t work and will most likely crash your site.
How to test: Set publishing options under “Animate deployment package”:
* Leave all directories to the defaults
* Enable “Publish preload DOM as separate file” (this is important!)
* Enable “Host runtime files on Adone CDN”
Basically, like shown on but for “Animate deployment package”
Let me know if that works for you.