Hi @dodogogo
It’s definitely odd that you’re seeing a blank page while installing and setting up the plugin. Can you share more details of the problem for us? Do you see a white screen when the plugin is installed?
Can you go to WooCommerce > Status > Logs, to see if you see any fatal error messages over there? Can you share them with us here, please?
Additionally, any error messages from your server’s error log, corresponding with the activation of the WooCommerce Admin plugin would also be helpful.
It’s definitely possible that this could have been triggered by a conflict as well. In case you have the bandwidth, could you temporarily deactivate all other plugins except WooCommerce, and then activate the WooCommerce Admin plugin to see if you see the same error? You can find out more on conflict testing here: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/how-to-test-for-conflicts/
Let us know if you need assistance in fixing this, we’re happy to help!