Work as advertise
After the update (3.1.0) plugin works fine even on site with 600k+ media files. In my case doesn’t rename whole media library automatically, which is great btw. You have to chose the file you want to rename. After renaming all instances (sizes) of the image is renamed and most important all the references are updated in post and pages. One star less is for bit of slow proces of renaming just one file.
No, it is working, did you see the number of users? It must be working, somehow.
Now, I think it would be good to:
– Open a ticket in the Support so that you can get help, and that will also help other users having the same issue
– Review the plugin accordingly, based on that whole experienceThat is only if you want to be decent. If you don’t care about anyone but yourself and came here just out of frustration, no reply is required. But then this review is useless and just here to hurt the developer.
Merry Christmas.
To quote the plugin description
BE CAREFUL. File renaming is a dangerous process. Before renaming everything automatically, try to rename a few files first and check if all the references to those files have been properly updated on your website. WordPress has so many themes and plugins that this renaming process can’t unfortunately cover all the cases, especially if other plugins are using unconventional ways.
Batch file renaming is a can really screw things up! This is a plugin for the advanced wordpress builder, but that said, it is extremely useful and provides unique functionality. Have personally been using it on 20+ sites for a few years, and it can be a life saver.
Its wise to test this, and any other plugin, on a test-site before installing on a production site…
Review the plugin accordingly, based on that whole experience
Here is my whole experience.
I spent 2 hours and reboot my server 3 times because your plugin that eat all the memory trying to iterate through my 600k+ media library. That’s whole experience. My experience is don’t work on large media library. It’s using unlimited loops through whole media library. Even with the 120s php exc time script can’t finish the job, but it will eat all the server memory.
Don’t have a chance to see how it works when it works. It may work on small media library, but that’s not my case. Good scripts doesn’t have to be limited on amount of data.
We are developer comp. with 20+ years experience. There was no need to open support ticket (pro???)
since is very clear that it’s design problem, not a bug.Instead of beien pissed off, restructure your plugin and limit the queries!
WP evolved from simple blogging platform to powerful CMS that can handle huge amount of data perfectly. Good script (again) must not be limited by amount of data that have to proces.Merry Christmas
We are developer comp. with 20+ years experience.
There was no need to open support ticket (pro???). since is very clear that it’s design problem, not a bug.
Those threads here ( are for everyone. I give support to my Pro users first, of course, but if there is a bug it is priority, no matters from who it comes from.
I spent 2 hours and reboot my server 3 times because your plugin that eat all the memory trying to iterate through my 600k+ media library.
Sorry to say, but with more than 20 years experience, you shouldn’t have reboot your server so many times, not even once. My plugin is obviously running on many websites and therefore many hosting services, I don’t imagine they reboot their servers all the time because of me. PHP, MySQL, Apache/Nginx; they all have settings. With such an 20+ years experience, I am sure you know how to set up a server. Worst case, you could restart Apache or MySQL.
Good script (again) must not be limited by amount of data that have to proces.
I agree with that, the problem is WP can be used as a simple blog or as a huge website with billions of posts. On billion of posts, a simple query such as SELECT id FROM wp_posts will crash. And that’s a huge problem. When you develop something, you need to know for what. For a little blogger or for the NASA? With WP, you can’t know. You work for every kind of websites possible. Which is why there are always issues and users need to share them, discuss them. “Not working!” is a pain to see for a developer. If you are a hosting service, maybe clients would review you “Always rebooting! Very bad!” with 0 and I don’t think you would be so happy. But you said you are a developer, if somebody comes to your office and yell “It’s not working!” and leave, how do you feel? Just sorry? I am not sure. And when you are always eager to help, like me, it’s quite difficult to accept.
Instead of beien pissed off, […]
Luckily I got “pissed of”, because your original review was simply “Not working!” with nothing else mentioned. Now, you have me a hint of what the problem was. Please accept that your review and original comment was harsh and not really helpful, and let’s move forward. I wasn’t actually “pissed of”, I was hurt and disappointed, with no clue of what happened.
[…] restructure your plugin and limit the queries!
I spent my morning on it (even though it’s Christmas day). I have fixed it. I have actually disabled this flagging process and cleaned-up the code around it. The new release of the plugin should work fine for you. I also changed the way the plugin operates in the File Renamer dashboard to avoid working around this flagging, and I enhanced the UI. I believe it’s a good update for everyone else as well. I kept the updated flagging process code commented, in case my users ask for it again, in that case I will enable this through an option.
Since you have tried the plugin for 2 hours, I guess you can try it one more time for a few minute to see if this new release (3.1.0) works for you. I am also willing to share with you a serial for the Pro version, so that you can try all the features if you are interested in them.
Also, thanks a lot @oldrup for being nice to me on the forums, it helps a lot ?? And like you said, before using such a plugin, it’s important to be careful. This plugin requires a backup before using it on too many files.
Yes now is working!
First apologies for the short review. I though yesterday I’ll return after more testing and add why is not working. But the edit was disabled.
Please don’t make remarks on rebooting the server. If you read my post you’ll see that pxp exc time is set to 120s. This is normally very bad, but few major plugins need that time (bad coding). In your yesterday case, I was waiting 3 min to get the ssh prompt to sudo and reboot. Console prompt was more then slow motion so reboot was faster option. That bad it was. Well try infinite loop with so many slq connection. ??
Lets back to how is working now!
1. The buttons on media grid load fast
2. After renaming a title, plugin renames all instances (size) of the file and update reference in post. Didn’t try on pages. Updating reference in post/page is key feature as I see.Now is def doing what is advertised.
I must say that renaming of one file last form 37-45 sec.
You should measure the time on some smaler media library. This can be the problems on the hosted sites where pxp exc time is set to 30s (that’s what most hosting companies keep as def.) Well, users can tweak that, if they know how.Well after all of this I have no use (now) for your plugin.
My client after changing the hosting, manage to screw his huge media library. All the files that have e.g (à) in file name get (??) instead, and so on. Your plugin see the empty reference in media library but don’t see those file names, which is normal since this is different file name. No blame for your plugin in this case.I do rename my files correctly (SEO) before upload and set alt and caption attributes. Alt tag and caption are SEO important but you have to fix them manually after renaming a file. OK, you can improve one part of the SEO with proper filenames, but again you have to go back and fix the alt, caption tags!? I guess this is for those who just drops files from camera, web … in the med. library, and than find out that something is not right.
Jordy, your plugin didn’t work yesterday me, you get ones star. If I could edit my initial post now, I’ll give you a 4 start.
If you know how 2 do that let me know.reg
I must disagree with this.
On billion of posts, a simple query such as SELECT id FROM wp_posts will crash. And that’s a huge problem. When you develop something, you need to know for what. For a little blogger or for the NASA? With WP, you can’t know.
If the WP can handle 5,5k post 4.4k cats and 600k media files smoothly the plugins must do the same. You are forking in CMS system (WP) not design it. So size doesn’t mater in this case.
On billion of posts: SELECT id FROM wp_posts will crash
If you don’t get mem overflow it will last few sec (mysql> SELECT BENCHMARK(1000000,1+1);). But what will you do with this query result. Why would you need 1 billion ID’s in $sql array()?
->proces results
->wait for the input
-> increment $M and $N
-> proces results
This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by
I must say that renaming of one file last form 37-45 sec.
Your website is very big like you mentioned, and it’s one big query (actually 3 of them), updating your posts/pages content, except and the metadata. In the option you can turn off metadata if you don’t think it’s useful, that will cut this time by half. Another way to do it would be to go through all the posts, one by one, with a little progress bar. The problem is that would be come extremely slow for most blogs, but that would make it to work on websites like yours or infinitely bigger. I could also have an option for that, but I can’t make this decision automatically. If you have any idea about this, let me know. I can only imagine an option.
My client after changing the hosting, manage to screw his huge media library.
That happens a lot. In that case, the plugin doesn’t do anything since it can’t find the file anymore. But there is a Force option (part of the Pro though) that forces this update anyway. A few of my users used that to repair websites in the past, but you need to do it one by one.
You actually can by going here: At the very end of that page, you can re-use this form to change your rating. Thanks for proposing of doing this ??
If the WP can handle 5,5k post 4.4k cats and 600k media files smoothly the plugins must do the same.
It’s possible, and as you mentioned, in WP, everything is done with limits. I could do the same but I would need a lot more parameters in my Ajax, making the code more complex too. I don’t say it’s impossible, it’s definitely possible, but having a to-do list kind of array on the JS side, is really nice and convenient, easy to debug. I will look into making it all into limits later; for now I want to make sure it’s simple/easy to read/debug and I then I will do this too.
This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by
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