Not working
Plugin says you can rename media files. After installation and activation I did not find any option or page to actually do that.
Reading some comments it seems like you need to buy a “Pro” version first before you can do that.
Would donate if it actually worked. But if you are forced to buy first, no thanks.
Not recommended.
Before reviewing a plugin, can you read at least its description? Everything is properly stated. You are rating the plugin on an assumption you made without reading it, and now reviewing it ouf of frustration. This is not fair for me and for potential users who are looking for honest reviews.
If you knew how much effort I put in that plugin and the history behind it, you would really use different words.
If you want your review to be valid, read the description and tell me what I did wrong.
Depends on how much you read of the description.
It says …
The Media File Renamer is a WordPress plugin that physically renames media files nicely for a cleaner system and for a better SEO.
… which is exactly what I was looking for. So I went and installed it only to find out later that there is a “but … only if you buy the pro version” somewhere at the bottom as footnote.
The “automatic rename function” is pretty useless for me, because I don’t want to rename attached files.
I’m a programmer and software developer myself. So I think I can very well estimate the time and effort you put it in. And I would like to reward that. But not if you “tease” me into buying the plugin. It is not the $20, it is the way you are trying to get them.
So my review is as valid as others. We still have freedom of speech, haven’t we? If you are only aiming for positive and fair reviews, then be fair to your (potential) customers aswell. I think what you are doing now is misleading and dodgy.
Depends on how much you read of the description.
So you read the first sentence of the description and that’s all? What about the second one?
It automatically renames your media filenames depending on their titles.
So I am trying to fool anybody here? This description has been the same in the plugin for a very long time. Then the Pro version and its features were added much later based on users’ requests. Nothing misleading, even less dodgy.
Now, let me ask you a question. If you are interested in buying a product, you read the whole description, right? Why not reading the description of a plugin when it is free? I can tell you why: because you don’t care as much. It’s free, why bother. I know, users made the same mistake as you before and they even say a sorry. And then I ask how I can enhance the description, which was modified.
If my plugin was 100% free, with the level of support that it requires, it would have been abandoned for long. And you can think Open-Source all the way you want, my plugin was for a long time and nobody ever helped. Pro are the way to go nowadays and actually users agree with this too now.
Try to make a plugin one day, and you will see how hard is it to make everyone happy.
I also don’t see the problem with freedom of speech. You have it now. So what? About the fair review, I didn’t get it. You would have rated it -42 if you could. You didn’t came here to talk about the plugin, how it works, where it fails or what it can do. You just came here to rant and you didn’t even read the second sentence of the description. How can you review or rate a plugin without learning about it.
I am pushing an update now so that the Pro version is even more obvious in the description than before. Because I am not here to trick my users. I am the contrary, I wanted to propose a well maintained product with friendly support. Too bad you couldn’t see what I am really doing.
Well, why can’t you just accept that different people have different views on things and tend to give reviews just based on their first impressions?
The first impression of your plugin was a pretty frustrating experience to me, simple as that. It was misleading, I wasted time and ended up doing a manual rename of files and re-upload using the “Enable Media Replace” plugin.
I tried your plugin because of the title and (first sentence) description and it did not work for me as expected. So I gave a honest review based on that.And whats the problem? Do you fear loss of income or something because of some “negative” reviews? Thats why you want to take down such reviews? (see “freedom of speech”)
At the end it is your fault, because you made those design and presentation decisions which lead to such misunderstandings. And from what I’ve seen I’m not the only one running against that wall.
You might think what you want, but if you offer a product and want money for it, then you basically have no right to blame others for your design faults and the problems arising with it.Just accept that. Its nothing personal even.
Hey Jordy.
Don’t let the bozos grind you down. You are engaging a discussion where there is no win.
Negative people spew critical comments, malicious in intent because the ‘attack is never personal’, simply a concealed verbal knife, someone who wants an audience and engage you on a personal level to get some distorted payoff.
Spend your time and energies on continuing your great work. Ten thousand people see the value in your services.
Great minds think alike and fools seldom differ.
Shake it off Jordy and move on.
Kind regards,
Hey Jordy
Sorry you have to deal with things like this, fortunately there are literally thousands of people around that can read more than two lines.
Thank you again, keep it up, you are doing a great work and the free version is great. I have also purchased a PRO version, simply because you deserve it for your work.
Doc Savage, Lars, you are very right. I want to understand a bad review in order to make my plugin (or its description) better but often it looks like it is a lost cause. nuclearping’s last message is a proof that the discussion is not going anywhere. Better to focus on users that push developers to go forward ?? Thank you so much.
Anyways, enough of that.
nuclearping, you are missing out of a hell of a plugin that does what you are looking for. It is a great plugin and it automatically renames files for you based on what you type in the title of the plugin.
The pro version does have some additional features which makes it worth a purchase – but that’s another story. Among these are is the feature to rename the file independently of the title itself.
Please put aside the immediate impression you had and judge the plugin itself by using it, Jordy deserves that much.
The plugin is rock-solid, never crashed, always worked and has regular updates. Please try it out and if you still think it’s worth only one star and negative comments because of a description you think is misleading (sorry, I disagree with you on that) then so be it.
That was my two cents. nuclearping, Jordy and Doc Savage, best wishes to you all ??
Lars Koudal, thanks. Best answer here. Very professional and settled. Better than the butthurt author, who can’t handle negative critics.
If you have “ten thousands” of users who see value in Jordy’s work VS the 8-9 “illiterate” who can’t read more than one paragraph and gave negative reviews based on their first impression … I mean this is outrageous, isn’t it? Unacceptable. World is so unfair. ??
@doc Savage:
… someone who wants an audience and engage you on a personal level to get some distorted payoff.
Yes, if it just was so simple to psychologically analyze a complete stranger via the internet.
The problem here is not me. I just wrote how I felt when I used the plugin. The problem is people like you or the author, reading it and making a big deal out of it.
It is your very own freedom what you make of it, as Lars Koudal has shown. If your answer is settled and professional or ranting and butthurt like the authors, at the end it is your decision. Nobody forces you to react in either way.
So again: Stop blaming others for your own decisions.
Don’t blame me too fast neither, in my first reply I said:
If you want your review to be valid, read the description and tell me what I did wrong.
I made a step towards you, to push you to rectify your mistake (of not reading the description of my plugin). Then I will have listen to what you have to say and try my best to rectify it. You will never know because you preferred to spend time doing what you did here.
Anyway, not related: did you make software that is called Nuclear Ping? You said you were a developer so I was wondering what kind of tool you are building for people. Found it here: you did wrong was
- Name your plugin like you named it. You should have named it “Automatical Media File Renamer With Additional Pro Features” or something.
- Force to buy to use its core feature, otherwise only offer a useless auto-rename feature.
- Blame people for not reading more than one paragraph.
- Come here and rant about critics in a very unprofessional way.
In my perfect world, the plugin was free. I have used it, was satisfied and happy and donated about 20-30 € because it saved me quite some time and trouble. Thats what I usually do with WordPress plugins. If they prove helpful to me, I donate or buy. I don’t buy a pig in a poke.
You could also have offered all features with a “trial key” which allows only to rename 5 files or so.
You could have done so much. But instead you’ve chosen (in my eyes) the most unfriendly way: Offer a (useless) feature to tease (illiterate) people into buying your stuff.
Oh, Edit:
No, I’m not affilated with that software. My username comes from old times where people only had dialup connections.Hi Jordy,
Today advice is: “Don’t feed the troll.” ??
Cyrille, ok ??
More advice:
Never wrestle with a pig.
The pig likes it and
you just get dirty.Excellent plugin!
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