Thank you.
It looks like your website uses a late loading technique to load content onto the page when a URL, like the one in the menu, is followed. The slideshow plugin isn’t out of the box compatible with this technique yet, as it can’t late load it’s script.
You may be able to work around it by adding the following lines of code to your theme’s ‘functions.php’ file:
function slideshow_jquery_image_gallery_enqueue_script() {
plugins_url() . '/slideshow-jquery-image-gallery/js/min/all.frontend.min.js',
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'slideshow_jquery_image_gallery_enqueue_script' );
This should make the slideshow’s script available to the slideshow at all time. However, there’s a good chance that this will not work, as the script may not register the late loaded slideshows.