Hi Dittox,
Thanks for describing it in detail. It’s very hard to replicate the same issue you are facing on my end. I tried with various options to replicate the issue on my end but didn’t find the issue. I even tried by using woocommerce bulk edit plugin but still could not replicate the issue you are facing.
Can you do me a favor for the last time. Can you follow the below step and let me know what you encounter:
1. Clear your cache if you are using any cache plugin.
2. Deactivate all the plugin you are using like you do it by renaming them.
3. Before activating any plugin, you first activate this w2o plugin only.
Then let me know if it works or not. I am asking you to do this to be sure that other plugin or cache isn’t the culprit for the issue.
If you still encounter the same issue then the only way to figure out the problem is to debug into your site (admin panel) by myself. And for this I will need access to your site’s admin and FTP so that I could check it thoroughly. Don’t worry I won’t charge you for this. If you wish to give me the necessary access of your site and FTP then please email me at [email protected]