Howdy @abhijitmhasagar ,
As of version 1.17.9, a manifest.json is no longer needed and PWA should work out of the box without any further modification as explained in their documentation:
If you are using the latest version of OneSignal you won’t need to manually set up anything like on this article, both SuperPWA and OneSignal work perfectly. Earlier OneSignal used a manifest file to function its push notification and moreover SuperPWA also creates a manifest file for its functioning. Upon this case only one manifest will be registered at the browser end, that’s why we added this step to resolve the registration process of the manifest to work both ones perfectly well. From OneSignal’s latest version they work out of the box without generating manifest, and moreover they removed it from their plugin. So don’t worry whether you cannot find the options as we mentioned below. If the OneSignal plugin version which you are using is below 1.17.9, you just need to set up as we mentioned below.
We hope you reconsider your review since they have a real impact on our business and we take them seriously.
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