• Resolved Andy Woggle



    I’ve built a site for a client, only ten pages, nothing especially big, and created a role for them called Blogger, as the staff need to be able to both blog and access a couple of plugins (for a client carousel and to add testimonials). I disabled their ability to edit pages using Adminimise as I didn’t really want to give them that access and break anything by mistake.

    OK – All is well so far? Nearly. What my client requires is that just one page-a page called Trustees- is editable by them so they can add information as required on a fluid, ongoing page.

    How can I make an individual page editable by a non-administrative role whilst disabling the others? I’m praying this is possible, but am not getting very far with Google and can’t seem to make Adminimise allow for individual page editing.

    Thanks for reading/responding



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  • Plugin Author Frank Bueltge


    This is plugin is not the right way for this requirement. The plugin hide only areas, depends on roles. Is to heavy to hide pages and can’t change the capability to pages, maybe to edit a page.

    May I ask what is a reason you dont implement this ?

    I see menu item “Tools” is hidden from Users, but they can still access it.

    Hi Andy.
    Did you find a solution as I do this with a number of my sites. My editors have access to some pages but not others. Let me know

    add_action( 'pre_get_posts' ,'exclude_this_page' );
    function exclude_this_page( $query ) {
            if( !is_admin() )
                    return $query;
            global $pagenow;
    		// post_type = post or page
            if( 'edit.php' == $pagenow && ( get_query_var('post_type') && 'page' == get_query_var('post_type') ) )
                    $query->set( 'post__not_in', array(105,28,30) ); // page id
            return $query;
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