Not sure I’d want to use this program now.
Several weeks ago, WordPress was highly recommended to me by a number of Internet mentors. I downloaded, asked for install4free, was refused and tried to install myself.
Big surprise – it didn’t work. The Install4free guy suggested that I post here. I did, twice.
It’s now almost three weeks later and still no help, no answers, just BS.Thanks Folks – with support like this, can anyone tell me why I would WANT to continue to try working with this product?
Better still, can anyone direct me to a program that works?
It’s not for everyone.
This is your profile here:
This, here, is the only thread you’ve ever started.
The one other thread you participated in got answers -and- use of that search box up top would help you find many more similar (or exactly the same) thread with many many answers.
Have you tried a google search for “FREE blog”? Perhaps you’ll find other free options more to your suiting.
Best of luck.
Handy – OK, I guess I deserve the smug answer, but the issue still remains. I had a simple issue, and evidently WordPress is supposed to be a simple program to install. I do not find it as such. Evidently, quite a few people agree. There are issues that you folks consider normal. They probably are, but not to non programmers.
I tried all the handy suggestions by backtracking on strings. Nothing worked. I checked with my isp. They referred me back to you. I tried the install service only to be told that they could not be of help.
Other than the obvious frustration, what must occur to get some help that is probably so rediculously simple that you could solve it in 60 seconds?
I’ve checked and it’s just not obvious to me. Two of the people that recommended you can’t seem to figure out the issue either.
Comen on, now, isn’t this getting far too silly?Perhaps starting your own thread with information about your issue would be helpful?
Helpful details:
* your web host name (searching on their name here is often very very helpful).
* notes about what you’ve tried.
* observed error messages
* confirmation that your host meets the minimum requirementsHave you had a read through Installing_WordPress?
We’re here to help, not debate. I can stay at work to debate and get paid for it. ??
Let me add something to what HS already said.
I am not a programmer/coder (and I state it quite often here in the forum!). I am not even a native English speaker. However, maybe because I used to be a linguist, I read very carefully when it comes to instructions. And I check every detail before I proceed (my wife, who is a shrink, says it’s OCD…)WP install is a less than 5 minutes job if it happens on an average normal server. (NB: not all hosts belong to this category!)
And bashing the volunteer support helpers doesn’t really takes you far. In the almost 3 years I am here in the forum I’ve witnessed not once that even individual help has been offered (including install) if the volunteers feel their effort and time is appreciated.
Just my $0.02
Let me add my two cents worth…
Dear WP developers:
Version 2.0.5 DOES NOT INSTALL properly. I AM a programmer. In fact I’ve been in this business since I coded my first IBM 305 RAMAC back in 1957. WP 2.0.5. has a bug in it that gives a message after INSTAll is run. When the user tries to sign in it says the files have been moved. I can work around that, and you can work around it, but NON programmers cannot, so why get huffy with the man that is frustrated by the bug.
Frank Laughter
Hi Frank – a quick search here will turn up that there is indeed a known bug with 2.0.5 (for some server environments).
A plugin exists at that will likely fix it.
Getting huffy with volunteers is as (UN)productive as volunteers getting huffy with folks seeking help. Huffing is bad, m’kay?
Hi HandySolo and we thank you sincerely for your response and all the work you folks put into WP. It’s greatly appreciated by me and thousands of others. However, I don’t need the plugin because I simply ignore buggy software and go on to the next task. I was trying to point out a WP problem that is causing novices to get antsy. From a PR point of view I wish Matt & Co., had withdrawn release 2.0.5 when the bug was discovered.
BTW: My site (and of course my server) has version 1.5; 2.0.1; 2.0.2; 2.0.3 and 2.0.4. running with no problems but 2.0.5 will not install cleanly. I installed 2.0.5 again this morning to see if the bug had been fix. It had not of course, but nevertheless I had it up and looked it over for a couple of hours. Then I deleted it because I didn’t want it up with the hacks I used to make it work. I’m not upset. I’ll just wait until its fixed or move on to something else… No big deal.
Again, I sincerely appreciate all the work that volunteers do because that’s what I do in my retirement. I help others get Web sites up and running… mostly for free ??
Have a good day.
Frank: That bug only affects servers using FastCGI, which is probably a very small number of servers. And, in fact, the actual bug is in FastCGI, not in WordPress. The tuneup plugin lets WordPress work around the bug.
To all – Evidently in my frustration, I really stirred something up. Hopefully, it is a good thing.
Handysolo – If you took my original remarks as an insult, then I apologize. I spoke from a position of frustration at not being able to “just load it and watch it install itself” and a bit of anger at being rejected by your “install4free” tech not once, but twice. The only thing I got from the tech was that I should come to this forum.
As a total non tech, I’m primarily concerned with final results. I can appreciate the detail and the programming that goes into a solid program, but frankly that is all without validity if “the darned thingie doesn’t work. . .”. ??You have to remember that what is simple to you, translates to monumental issues for a non Tech.
I would really love to be able to say that my experience with WordPress has been great thus far. I really can’t. . .yet.
I’m still unable to get it to work, my schedule is fried, I’ve stirred up a hornet nest here and get more frustrated when I think about it, for two reasons. . . First, because the assumption was that it is easy, so now I feel totally inadequate. I guess that I could feel worse if you told me that a child of 6 could successfully install, but please don’t. Particularly if it’s true. ??
Second issue is this – You {Handysolo] must think I’m without redeeming social value, Frank seems to be able to identify with some of my frustration, Moshu from Canada suggests that perhaps I didn’t read the instrux well enough, and now, Otto is taking issue with Frank.
Well, at the very least, you are all talking. . .
To offer you some insight into me, I am a once techie that moved on. At 57, I communicate quite well, thank you, as a professional speaker, mentor and trainer to the corporate world. I don’t usually express anger or frustration, Handysolo. Again, in apology, consider it venting. I rarely have issues with computers, which I have been working with since my first 8088 with the revolutionery 5 meg drive.
I do get frustrated from lack of service, on which I speak, lack of common sense, on which I present, [and seem to be guilty of here], and from lack of corporate vision, which should be everyone’s concern.
So, now that you have some idea that I’m not a total left wing crank, just what the heck do I have to do to enjoy a proper installation of this product?
I’ve followed strings for faulty install and gotten horribly confused, spoken with my ISP who just says that some users run WordPress, but as an ISP, they don’t do installs, posted two or three times here, inadvertantly insulted a well meaning tech, stirred up an awfully nice conversation, gotten turned down by a free install service a couple of times, had two people who run the program look at the issue and . . . STILL, mind you. . . STILL have absolutely no idea what I have to do to affect a seamless installation so that I can use the program.
I guess that at this point, a valid question is, “Is there anyone who can offer resolution to this or do I just take the whole blog thing off my agenda and move on to other areas?”By the way, Handysolo – my ISP is, and they do evidently support the requirements for WordPress, if that helps.
Billk – All that but yet you didn’t answer any of the questions posed to you by someone willing to help you. Hmm….
Maybe going over to and signing up for a wordpress blog already installed might be of use to you.
Dr Mike – I guess that is valid. I just searched this string and evidently I never did clearly state the issue here although did to the 4 free tech. Give me a minute and I’ll post here so that the issue is clearly defined.
A new thread and topic would be helpful… ??
And please see my questions earlier in this thread. If you could incorporate answers to those with your description it would be helpful.
Just to clarify, though there may be some carry over between install4free and WP support, they are not related, and indeed are a entity all unto themselves with no official affiliation with WP. I think it was already pointed out that the service was intended for personal blogs, not a free installation for corporate sites.
I’d also like to take to point with frank’s blanket statement that 2.0.5 doesn’t install properly. That is purely incorrect. As it’s been pointed out, a conflict with a server setting is there, was caught immediately, a plugin was released immediately to address the issue, vs a minor upgrade for an issue that effected a minority of users. There’s a second release candidate being tested now for a 2.0.6 that addresses that issue along with a few security issues.
And a reminder. WP is free, support is free and volunteer based, as well as a lot of the development of core code and themes/plugins. Expectations should be balanced accordingly.
Dr Mike – I guess that is valid. I just searched this string and evidently I never did clearly state the issue here although did to the 4 free tech. Give me a minute and I’ll post here so that the issue is clearly defined.
Although I deleted the program file from my site yesterday, I’m willing to try again.
The issue repeatedly is that I was getting an “invalid database” intercept which I thought was attributed to an invalid entry in the config file.
I followed the instrux on editing the config, uploaded, executed and expected good results, watching the program initiate.
I spent quite a bit of time on the config and variable modifications and things got worse.
Just how many ways can you mess up a 12 line php file? I guess I invented a couple of extra ones. . .LOLThe sql database on my isp is valid, the ftp data is valid, login and pw was valid and the mysql name was wasn’t opting for multiple installations, so that was not touched.
Nor did I alter the DB_HOST line – so, what was the problem? I really can not say. I never got past acceptance of the config file.
I hope this helps. . .I found this at Gate’s support forum mentions that the database isn’t “localhost” rather “”
Did you try that?
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