Your setup is asking for :
"the current item and its immediate children, plus its siblings, and its ancestors back to root level"
You have shown me 2 outputs … and they are exactly the same as each other.
Neither of those outputs contains a “bbm1” item … which is confusing.
The first output doesn’t tell me which page you’re on that produces that output. And for the second one you’ve given me a page that isn’t in the output.
If I assume that the output you’ve shown is an accurate reflection of (at least part of) your menu#2 structure – ie. menu#2 has a root-level item ABC, ABC has 3 child items (am1, am2 & am3), am2 has 2 child items (bmm1 & bmm2) – then the output shown, with the configuration you’ve supplied, is what I would expect to see if am2 was the current item.
If any other item was the current item – ABC, am1, am3, bmm1, or bmm2 – then CMW would/should not produce that output, for that menu, using that configuration.
What is the actual menu structure of menu#2?
Where does the “bbm1” item fit in?
What page produces the first output you’ve given?
Does the output ever vary (depending on which page you’re on)?
Is the output actually being produced by CMW?
Do you have a web-accessible site that I can look at this on?