• We have some file names:


    and the “avi” in the middle of the file names is causing them all to show the avi-icon.png icon instead of the proper pdf, txt, or doc icon.

    Removing any of those letters from the file name gives the correct icon, and changing the file names to avi.png or avi.txt, or avi.doc gives the avi icon instead of the proper icon.

    This issue seems to work with other icons too, and linking to a file called doc.pdf shows the doc icon instead of the proper pdf icon.

    As a temporary fix, I removed the avi option from the plugin settings.

    Telling my client not include any file extensions in his file names isn’t a solution.

    Is there a way to get the plugin to only parse the file extension part of the link?


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  • I’ve reported the same issue with a patch a year ago, but the author is not responsive at all:




    Hi, I’m not sure if you’re still looking at this, but I found a solution to this.

    When you add icons in the plugin, name them with a . in front, so .doc for example.

    The code searches the name of the file for the name you give to your icon, so unless you put a dot in front of the name, that happens.

    All of the base icons are found in this folder, rename them with a dot in front and delete them from the plugin and add them again: \wp-content\plugins\attachment-file-icons\mime

    Hope this helps!

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