OK Riddle me this…..
I have several clients and I use fscf on all of them
Client ‘a’ is version (I know it’s back a ways) but works PERFECTLY! Form information is sent to my clients email address and it also being sent to me at my comcast address and a 2nd gmail address I have.
As a last resort:
I reverted my client ‘b’ to version of fscf
I backed up client ‘a’ fscf form and
uploaded it to client ‘b’ fscf thinking ALL THINGS ARE NOW EQUAL.
Client ‘a’ is still working just fine sending form information to my 2 email addresses (comcast and gmail.)
HOWEVER client ‘b’ (set up to send form information to my 2 email addresses) never arrives at my comcast address but arrives at my gmail just fine.
I really need to understand what’s happening here as my client ‘b’ ALSO has a comcast address and she is not receiving any form information. ALTHOUGH she and I both were getting emails at some point in the past (maybe before Christmas?)
Any help would be welcome. I’m looking a little foolish here.
https://www.constructioncopywriter.com fscf works just fine sending form information to comcast email address
https://www.npscolorado.com fscf fails – not sending form information to comcast email addresses.