• Hi

    I did the Fast Secure Contact Form configuration but i have a problem, I do not receive an email. My wordpress is installed locally. I get this error when i test the email :

    note : ………. = my pass and email add

    Any idea please?

    public ‘Version’ => string ‘5.2.7’ (length=5)
    public ‘Priority’ => int 3
    public ‘CharSet’ => string ‘UTF-8’ (length=5)
    public ‘ContentType’ => string ‘text/plain’ (length=10)
    public ‘Encoding’ => string ‘8bit’ (length=4)
    public ‘ErrorInfo’ => string ‘Could not instantiate mail function.’ (length=36)
    public ‘From’ => string ‘………..’ (length=17)
    public ‘FromName’ => string ” (length=0)
    public ‘Sender’ => null
    public ‘ReturnPath’ => string ” (length=0)
    public ‘Subject’ => string ‘Test email to ………..’ (length=31)
    public ‘Body’ => string ‘This is a test email generated by the Fast Secure Contact Form
    WordPress plugin.’ (length=81)
    public ‘AltBody’ => string ” (length=0)
    public ‘Ical’ => string ” (length=0)
    protected ‘MIMEBody’ => string ‘This is a test email generated by the Fast Secure Contact Form
    WordPress plugin.
    ‘ (length=81)
    protected ‘MIMEHeader’ => string ‘Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2015 08:52:04 +0000
    Return-Path: <……..>
    From: …………
    Message-ID: <0931133ed3fab3c22f28bc2be64e2095@localhost>
    X-Priority: 3
    X-Mailer: PHPMailer 5.2.7 (https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer/)
    Reply-To: ……….
    X-Sender: ……….
    Return-Path: ……….
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
    ‘ (length=411)
    protected ‘mailHeader’ => string ‘To: ……….
    Subject: Test email to ……….
    ‘ (length=63)
    public ‘WordWrap’ => int 0
    public ‘Mailer’ => string ‘mail’ (length=4)
    public ‘Sendmail’ => string ‘/usr/sbin/sendmail’ (length=18)
    public ‘UseSendmailOptions’ => boolean true
    public ‘PluginDir’ => string ” (length=0)
    public ‘ConfirmReadingTo’ => string ” (length=0)
    public ‘Hostname’ => string ” (length=0)
    public ‘MessageID’ => string ” (length=0)
    public ‘MessageDate’ => string ” (length=0)
    public ‘Host’ => string ‘localhost’ (length=9)
    public ‘Port’ => int 25
    public ‘Helo’ => string ” (length=0)
    public ‘SMTPSecure’ => string ” (length=0)
    public ‘SMTPAuth’ => boolean false
    public ‘Username’ => string ” (length=0)
    public ‘Password’ => string ” (length=0)
    public ‘AuthType’ => string ” (length=0)
    public ‘Realm’ => string ” (length=0)
    public ‘Workstation’ => string ” (length=0)
    public ‘Timeout’ => int 10
    public ‘SMTPDebug’ => int 2
    public ‘Debugoutput’ => string ‘echo’ (length=4)
    public ‘SMTPKeepAlive’ => boolean false
    public ‘SingleTo’ => boolean false
    public ‘SingleToArray’ =>
    array (size=0)
    public ‘do_verp’ => boolean false
    public ‘AllowEmpty’ => boolean false
    public ‘LE’ => string ‘
    ‘ (length=1)
    public ‘DKIM_selector’ => string ” (length=0)
    public ‘DKIM_identity’ => string ” (length=0)
    public ‘DKIM_passphrase’ => string ” (length=0)
    public ‘DKIM_domain’ => string ” (length=0)
    public ‘DKIM_private’ => string ” (length=0)
    public ‘action_function’ => string ” (length=0)
    public ‘XMailer’ => string ” (length=0)
    protected ‘smtp’ => null
    protected ‘to’ =>
    array (size=1)
    0 =>
    array (size=2)
    0 => string ‘……….’ (length=17)
    1 => string ” (length=0)
    protected ‘cc’ =>
    array (size=0)
    protected ‘bcc’ =>
    array (size=0)
    protected ‘ReplyTo’ =>
    array (size=0)
    protected ‘all_recipients’ =>
    array (size=1)
    ‘……….’ => boolean true
    protected ‘attachment’ =>
    array (size=0)
    protected ‘CustomHeader’ =>
    array (size=3)
    0 =>
    array (size=2)
    0 => string ‘Reply-To’ (length=8)
    1 => string ‘ ……….’ (length=18)
    1 =>
    array (size=2)
    0 => string ‘X-Sender’ (length=8)
    1 => string ‘ ……….’ (length=18)
    2 =>
    array (size=2)
    0 => string ‘Return-Path’ (length=11)
    1 => string ‘ ……….’ (length=18)
    protected ‘lastMessageID’ => string ‘<……….@localhost>’ (length=44)
    protected ‘message_type’ => string ‘plain’ (length=5)
    protected ‘boundary’ =>
    array (size=3)
    1 => string ‘……….’ (length=35)
    2 => string ‘……….’ (length=35)
    3 => string ‘……….’ (length=35)
    protected ‘language’ =>
    array (size=18)
    ‘authenticate’ => string ‘SMTP Error: Could not authenticate.’ (length=35)
    ‘connect_host’ => string ‘SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host.’ (length=43)
    ‘data_not_accepted’ => string ‘SMTP Error: data not accepted.’ (length=30)
    ’empty_message’ => string ‘Message body empty’ (length=18)
    ‘encoding’ => string ‘Unknown encoding: ‘ (length=18)
    ‘execute’ => string ‘Could not execute: ‘ (length=19)
    ‘file_access’ => string ‘Could not access file: ‘ (length=23)
    ‘file_open’ => string ‘File Error: Could not open file: ‘ (length=33)
    ‘from_failed’ => string ‘The following From address failed: ‘ (length=35)
    ‘instantiate’ => string ‘Could not instantiate mail function.’ (length=36)
    ‘invalid_address’ => string ‘Invalid address’ (length=15)
    ‘mailer_not_supported’ => string ‘ mailer is not supported.’ (length=25)
    ‘provide_address’ => string ‘You must provide at least one recipient email address.’ (length=54)
    ‘recipients_failed’ => string ‘SMTP Error: The following recipients failed: ‘ (length=45)
    ‘signing’ => string ‘Signing Error: ‘ (length=15)
    ‘smtp_connect_failed’ => string ‘SMTP connect() failed.’ (length=22)
    ‘smtp_error’ => string ‘SMTP server error: ‘ (length=19)
    ‘variable_set’ => string ‘Cannot set or reset variable: ‘ (length=30)
    protected ‘error_count’ => int 1
    protected ‘sign_cert_file’ => string ” (length=0)
    protected ‘sign_key_file’ => string ” (length=0)
    protected ‘sign_key_pass’ => string ” (length=0)
    protected ‘exceptions’ => boolean false
    The Email debugging output is shown below:

    See FAQ

    Could not instantiate mail function.


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