Ok, that FAQ didn’t help.
Here is my form:
<h3><strong>Personal Information</strong></h3><br />
<p>Your Name (required)<br />
[text* your-name] </p>
<p>Street Address (required)<br />
[text* your-address] </p>
<p>City (required)<br />
[text* your-city] </p>
<p>State (required)<br />
[text* your-state] </p>
<p>Zip (required)<br />
[text* your-zip] </p>
<p>Phone Number (required)<br />
[text* your-number] </p>
<p>Cell Phone Number (required)<br />
[text* your-cell] </p>
<p>Email Address (required)<br />
[text* your-email] </p>
<p>Best Form of Communication<br />[select* BestFormofCommunication include_blank "Phone Call" "Text Message" "Email"]<br /> </p>
<p>Occupation<br />
[text* your-Occupation] </p>
<p>Employer<br />
[text* your-Employer] </p>
<p>Sex<br />[select* Sex include_blank "Male" "Female"]<br /> </p>
<p>Marital Status<br />[select* maritalstatus include_blank "Married" "Single" "Widow/Widower"]<br /> </p>
<p>How did you hear about MJBI? (required)<br />
[text* your-how] </p>
<p>Some of the volunteer positions can be strenuous; are you able to lift 25 lbs. or less and/or be on your feet for 2-4 hours? (required) <br />[select* doyoulift include_blank "Yes" "No"]<br /> </p>
<h3><strong> Places to Volunteer </strong></h3><br />
<p>Please sign up for only those in which you are gifted or have experience. (required) <br />[select* places include_blank "Phone Calls" "Assembly of Decor" "Product Sales: Set-Up & Pre-Event" "Product Sales: Post-Event & Breakdown" "Assembly of Event Materials (2 weeks prior to Event, in office)" "Ushers" "Pre-Event Decor Set-Up" "Post-Event Decor Breakdown" "Product Breakdown" "Volunteer Team Leader" "Run Errands (weeks/days prior to Event)" "Greeters" "Data Entry (1 month prior to Event or week after, in office)" "Check - In Table" "CPR/Doctor/Nurse" "Loading/Unloading - Tuesday, October 27, 2015" "Where needed most"]<br /> </p>
<p>Have you volunteered with MJBI before? (required)<br />[select* before include_blank "Yes" "No"]<br /> </p>
<p>If yes, what years?<br />
[text* your-years] </p>
<p>Are you interested in being a Team Leader? If yes, which area?<br />
[text* your-teamleader] </p>
<p>Are you available during the week prior to the Event to work at the MJBI office, Mon-Fri 8am – 5pm? (required)<br />[select* before include_blank "Yes" "No"]<br /> </p>
<p>Available Office Hours: <br />
[text* your-available] </p>
<h3><strong>Event Day: Tuesday, October 27,2015</strong><h3><br />
<p>Are you available during the hours of 9am – 12pm for Event set-up? (required)<br />[select* before include_blank "Yes" "No"]<br /> </p>
<p>Are you available during the hours of 12pm – 5pm for Event set-up? (required)<br />[select* before include_blank "Yes" "No"]<br /> </p>
<p>Are you available during the hours of 5pm – 9pm for the Event? (required)<br />[select* before include_blank "Yes" "No"]<br /> </p>
<p>Are you available during the hours of 9pm – 12am for Event break-down and clean up? (required)<br />[select* before include_blank "Yes" "No"]<br /> </p>
<p>I have read MJBI’s <a href="https://resolute.mjbi.org/mjbi-statement-of-faith/" target="_blank">Statement of Faith</a> and agree to act in accordance with all the provisions herein.[acceptance statementoffaith] <br /> </p>
<p>Comments/Questions: <br />
[textarea your-available] <br />
If none, enter "n/a" </p><br />
<p>[submit "Submit"]</p><br />
But this is all that the email I receive includes:
Name: Test Testman
Address: 213 test test test
City: Testville
State: TX
Zip: 71717
Phone number: 555-555-5555
Cell number: 234
Email: [email protected]
Best Form of Communication: Phone Call
Occupation: sdf
Employer: fsdf
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Married
How did you hear about us?: ewewfe
Can you lift 25lbs or more?: Yes
Please sign up for only those in which you are gifted or have experience: Phone Calls
Have you volunteered with MJBI before?: Yes
If yes, what years?: 23
Are you interested in being a Team Leader? If yes, which area?: 2343
Are you available during the week prior to the Event to work at the MJBI office, Mon-Fri 8am – 5pm?: blah