• Against my better judgment since it was brand new with only 50 downloads, I tried this free plug-in, and I learned my lesson.

    I wasted hours and hours trying to get it to work properly, only to hit another obstacle or overcome another bug. I should have cut my losses a long time ago. You can get a sense of some of the issues in the support forum.

    The last straw was when the support guy generously offered to set up a Skype call to help me (and also probably help them make the plug-in better), and then he blew off our scheduled call and I haven’t heard from him sense.

    Learned my lesson to not waste my time with untested new plug-ins again.

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  • Plugin Author rackforms


    First, thank you much for the review, I love positive feedback, but find incredible value in the not so good as well!

    In this particular case though I wanted to quickly provide bit of context, as I absolutely believe RackForms Express is a fantastic solution for building forms, especially because of its unlimited nature.

    Briefly, RackForms as a form builder has existed since 2007, in fact we’re one of the most seasoned brands on the market. What is new, however, is the WordPress plugin shell, which brought with it quite a bit of tooling to make the integration as slick as possible. With so much new code always comes the risk of bugs.

    That said, while not a big deal, I wish you would have mentioned that the main bug we had was due to adding a brand new feature.

    On this point I would like to be clear: For most software it’s hard enough to even talk to a developer, let along request a feature and have it implemented — and that’s for paid products!

    In this case I took your great suggestion and happily ran with it, implementing the feature as quickly as I could. As is the law with such rapid development (or so it always seems!), bugs do happen. I hope you’ll agree I did my best to clear up the issue as quickly as possible!

    Quickly then on the Skype meetup: I’d chalk this one up to timezone or user-name issues, of which I’ve had plenty of both over the years.

    I can assure you I was very much on when we had scheduled, but perhaps because of time zone, or me being fat-fingered and typing in the wrong Skype name, it unfortunately never came to pass.

    I do have to say though, when you’ve done this for a while you very quickly get used to users dropping in and out during support cases. I used to be more of a hound in this regard, but came to find some users simply figure things out and would prefer not to be bothered again. It’s not perfect, but I’m always open to suggestions.

    This is what happened here. My absence was definitely not due to a lack of interest!

    Anyway, since our last chat together we’ve had a few new features added, bugs fixed, and so on, and would love to see you give it another shot if time permits!

    The unlimited nature and feature-rich tooling of RackForms makes it an incredibly valuable proposition, one that I look forward to building on for years to come!

    Thread Starter tszabo


    For the record:

    – I did not have requests to add brand new features. All of the things I pointed out were bugs/problems that most people would find unacceptable. Most of this can be found in the Support forum history.

    – I scheduled a time on Skype, was clear about time zone difference, was clear about my username, and I e-mailed you when you were not on and you did not respond.

    It’s ok to respond to my review that you want to make things better, but it’s not right to distort my experience and disagree with my review with your inaccuracies.

    Plugin Author rackforms


    Duly noted, and thank you for the feedback. The new feature request is an entire topic:


    It’s key to note that feature requests in this business are rarely you asking specifically for something new. They’re much more likely to be a user asking how to do something — the developer knowing we can’t do that — and then adding that functionality.

    The ability to create custom formatted emails is incredibly useful, having textarea originated content within this format was not in the original version.

    So far as I know no other WP form plugin provides this ability, so I was happy to add it in. Unfortunately a bug was introduced from this addition, though I worked as quickly as I could to patch it up. My apologies for this, though the end result, I hope, is a much more powerful, *and free!* form editor.

    If you can provide guidance on other issues that prevented form creation not related to this new feature request, I’m all over getting them fixed.

    Finally, as you noted yourself I made custom video responses to questions you had, was quite prompt at providing support, added new features, and offered incredible Skype support.

    All that for 1 star? Shame on me for all that hard work : )

    Thread Starter tszabo


    – Sending form results in a format that is reasonably easy to read/interpret should be a core feature of a forms plug-in. The plug-in appeared to have this feature, but it wasn’t working properly and required the plug-in author to fix. In my opinion, this is not an example of a “new feature request.”
    – The other support forum threads go into other issues beyond the e-mail form results issue.
    – Yes, you did make a custom video response (singular, not plural), did respond to my inquiries within a few days (not sure “quite prompt” is right term, though), and did fix some of my issues. “Incredible Skype support” is not accurate, since you didn’t show up to our scheduled time and ignored my e-mails about this.

    I suggest you accept my review and we end this thread, and instead focus on building a better and more-bug free product. There doesn’t appear to have been much activity or enhancements made since I gave up on this plug-in.

    Plugin Author rackforms


    I’ll drop it : )

    However, about that Skype meeting:

    It didn’t happen because you never accepted my contact request, not because I blew you off.


    I get it, it happens, but please be more careful when making such accusations in the future.

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