• Resolved gdg161987



    I just installed your plugin and i imported your sample pipe, but when i click test nothing happens. It just hangs on:

    [ Started: 2014-03-22 10:12:49 ][ Source found: 20 items ]

    0/20 Complete (success)

    Item 0 [Processing …]

    I also checked the settings en nothing is wrong. Do you have any idea why it’s not processing?



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  • Plugin Contributor Thong Tran


    Have you go to Settings menu from Pipes (on the left sidebar) and see all system requirements ok?
    If there is any problem with it, please manage to get it fixed.

    One more thing, please select some categories for Post destination.
    If you still have problem with that sample Pipe, please let us know here, we will get back to you on the Monday.

    Thanks for using WP Pipes plugin.

    Thread Starter gdg161987


    Thank you for your reply. All the system requirements are OK. I also checked another categorie for the post destination other than Uncategorized and still it doesn’t work unfortunately.

    The sample pipe is only processing one feed item and then it hangs:

    URL: https://feeds.feedburner.com/TechCrunch/social
    [ Found: 20 ][ +20 ][ 20/100 ]

    [ Started: 2014-03-23 12:25:29 ][ Source found: 20 items ]

    1/20 Complete (success)

    invalid url of image, could not get image from Source:
    The Short, Serendipitous Life & Untimely …
    [ 2014-03-23 12:25:33 ][ Update ][ Update – id:6 ][ id: 6 ][ View ][ Edit ]Source:
    The Short, Serendipitous Life & Untimely …
    [ 2014-03-23 12:25:33 ][ Update ][ Update – id:6 ][ id: 6 ][ View ][ Edit ]
    —— —— ——
    Item 1 [Processing …]

    Plugin Contributor Thong Tran


    Thanks for the reply, gdg161987.

    We will keep investigating it on the Monday and get back to you then with a solution.

    In the meantime, if you do need some pipes from popular sites, feel free to address it here, we will make pipes, export it here for you to import later.

    Hi Tran,
    Even I am facing the same problem as that of user – “gdg161987” i.e. – Item 0 [Processing …]

    Nothing happens beyond this. I even tried to follow your solution steps but it doesn’t seem to be working. I am exporting the pipe for you to review –


    Please help ASAP.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Surya Pratap Singh

    I have the same problem and my system requirements seem to be ok too.

    Looking forward to using your product… ??

    Plugin Contributor Tung Pham


    Hi suryapratapsingh11,
    I imported your pipe and found that you have some wrong with configures. Please view this:

    And here is the result after I fixed: https://awesomescreenshot.com/0072jitnc0

    the fixed pipe here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mjsv4r2j9ex7fvc/oracle-feed-pipe-to-business-fixed.pipe

    Plugin Contributor Tung Pham


    @battleship: Could you please export your pipe and send it here, I will check your problem!

    Send it where? I don’t see that this forum lets me attach code, but I’ll try it in this message. I have the problem with feeds I try to setup and the import sample you provide. This is what the import sample pipe exports:

    {"name":"Get news from techcrunch","published":"1","engine":"rssreader","engine_params":"{\"limit_items\":\"100\",\"fix_time\":\"-24\",\"cache_time\":\"3600\",\"feed_url\":\"http:\\\/\\\/feeds.feedburner.com\\\/TechCrunch\\\/social\",\"mode\":\"0\",\"cache\":\"1\"}","adapter":"post","adapter_params":"{\"postformat\":\"0\",\"category\":1,\"public\":\"publish\",\"author\":\"1\"}","inherit":"0","inputs":"{\"ip\":[[{\"st\":\"e\",\"of\":\"title\",\"if\":\"text\"}],[{\"st\":\"e\",\"of\":\"link\",\"if\":\"url\"},{\"st\":\"\",\"of\":\"\",\"if\":\"html\"}],[{\"st\":\"\",\"of\":\"\",\"if\":\"url\"},{\"st\":\"1\",\"of\":\"fulltext\",\"if\":\"html\"}]],\"ia\":[{\"st\":\"e\",\"of\":\"title\",\"if\":\"title\"},{\"st\":\"0\",\"of\":\"slug\",\"if\":\"slug\"},{\"st\":\"e\",\"of\":\"description\",\"if\":\"excerpt\"},{\"st\":\"2\",\"of\":\"html\",\"if\":\"content\"},{\"st\":\"e\",\"of\":\"date\",\"if\":\"date\"},{\"st\":\"2\",\"of\":\"images\",\"if\":\"images\"},{\"st\":\"\",\"of\":\"\",\"if\":\"metakey\"}]}","outputs":"{\"oe\":[\"title\",\"link\",\"description\",\"author\",\"date\",\"enclosures\"],\"op\":[[\"slug\"],[\"fulltext\",\"full_html\"],[\"html\",\"images\"]]}","pipes":[{"code":"slug","name":"Slug","params":"{\"note\":\"create slug from title\"}","ordering":"0"},{"code":"get_fulltext","name":"Get Fulltext","params":"{\"input\":\"0\",\"curl\":\"1\",\"clear_space\":\"1\",\"atag\":\"0\",\"clear_attribute\":\"id,class,style\",\"clear_tags\":\"script,style\",\"origin_site\":\"\",\"code\":\"\",\"auto_fulltext\":\"1\",\"clear_html_comment\":\"1\",\"note\":\"get fulltext from url\"}","ordering":"1"},{"code":"image","name":"Get Images","params":"{\"get_image\":\"1\",\"clear_tiny\":\"64x64\",\"image_local\":\"images\\\/wppipes\",\"origin_url\":\"\",\"makelist\":\"1\",\"number_imgs\":\"1\",\"remove\":\"1\",\"note\":\"get images from text\"}","ordering":"2"}]}

    I am having the same issue as the topic creator. I set up everything and it imports only 1 entry. After that nothing else happens and the cron job is set for every 5 minutes.

    Hi phamtungpth,

    I am still unable to import your fixed file

    Hi suryapratapsingh11,

    Please download the pipe that phamtungpth fixed for you and follow the instruction of How to Import a Pipe here.

    battleship and LSME, can you please upload your pipe to a third party file storage (dropbox or 4shared, for example) so we can examine it for you? It’s really hard to investigate the problem if we can’t view your pipe settings.

    I can try to find somewhere to post it, but I feel I should point out again that this behavior happens even with the built in example pipe so the steps to reproduce the problem can be accomplished by any install. So from the “All Pipes” page, if you hit the button “Import Sample Pipe”, and then test that pipe, you will see the behavior we are talking about.

    Try this link to get the exported pipe: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B37sm92GCXQQYmlfMmVzR0x2Nlk/edit?usp=sharing

    This is just an export of your sample pipe, and it exhibits the problem discussed in this thread on wordpress 3.8.1.

    Hi Coven Eye,

    I followed the exact steps as mentioned in link on “How to import a pipe”, but in my case the pipe does not get imported at all.

    Surya Pratap Singh

    Hi Coven Eye,

    Just to add to the above post, I am unable to import any other pipe that you have repaired and posted for users to import.

    The following step does not happen –
    “When pipe finished importing your pipe, you will be navigated back to the All Pipes page. You will see a notification about your new pipe at the top of this page.”

    Surya Pratap Singh

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