OK, let me make sure I have this right then:
I use a super-user admin to log into the base site, then manipulate everything from there, but when I go to the sub-sites in My Sites, the URL changes to subdomain.domain.com/wp-admin. I myself as the super-admin don’t really care if it shows that, it’s just a minor inconvenience, but if I create an admin user for each sub-site, we want them to see domain.com/wp-admin. Also is true for any user of each sub-site. If I log into the sub-sites as super-admin, it does keep the domain.com/wp-admin URL, but I haven’t created an admin or editor user yet to test it (we won’t need these until later).
Here are my settings; let me know if these are correct:
My Sites > Network Admin > Settings > Domain Mapping > Domain Options:
(+ is checked, – is unchecked)
– Remote Login
+ Permanent redirect (better for your blogger’s pagerank)
– User domain mapping page
– Redirect administration pages to site’s original domain (remote login disabled if this redirect is disabled)
+ Disable primary domain check. Sites will not redirect to one domain name. May cause duplicate content issues.
My only question now is how “Redirect administration pages to site’s original domain (remote login disabled if this redirect is disabled)” works exactly… I’m supposing leaving it unchecked gives the super-admin and sub-site users what we want in relation to the URL, correct?