• Resolved jpollie


    The plugin is working great but doesn’t look nice.
    see foto

    I am using the inovado


    But using the boxed version everything is pressed to the side. So i thought using a fullwide version would work.

    So i created the folder ‘/wp-content/themes/inovado_child/anspress’ and added my themes fullwide into the index.php

    Now nothing shows up, only my themes fullwide page, what should i do?

    Template Name: Page: Full Width
    <?php get_header(); ?>
    	<?php get_template_part( 'framework/inc/titlebar' ); ?>
    	<div id="page-wrap" class="container">
    		<div id="content" class="sixteen columns">
    		<?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
    			<article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class(); ?>>
    				<div class="entry">
    					<?php the_content(); ?>
    					<?php wp_link_pages(array('before' => 'Pages: ', 'next_or_number' => 'number')); ?>
    			<?php if(!$data['check_disablecomments']) { ?>
    				<?php comments_template(); ?>
    			<?php } ?>
    			<?php endwhile; endif; ?>
    		</div> <!-- end content -->
    	</div> <!-- end page-wrap -->
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    I think if the shortcodes would be working it would fix my problem, then i would just past it in a fullwide page?


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  • Plugin Author Rahul Aryan


    I have updated the version to 1.4 to fix this issues. please check and let me know. But there is some issue with voting, I am working on it.

    Thread Starter jpollie


    Hello nerdaryan,

    Thank you for the fast reply!
    Now nothing is working :S
    I am using only your plugin no additional index.php.


    that what you see on the left side now was usually on the right side as my sidebar right.

    It looks like there is no content anymore.
    And the page still has the sidebar but on the left now

    Plugin Author Rahul Aryan


    make sure you use [anspress] shotcode in your base page.

    and you can arrange your menu from menu editor, I have crated a new section for AnsPress menu.

    Thread Starter jpollie


    Maybe you can give a short FAQ how to work with the new version.

    I added the shortcode.


    How can people add questions? or see the one question i made in the previous version?

    with the new menu you mean (settings, anspress options?)

    thank you

    Plugin Author Rahul Aryan


    Follow this:
    Create a new page with [anspress] shortcode
    Now go to AnsPress setting and set base bage.

    Now go to menu editor and you can add AnsPress menu to your active menu.
    There is a ask question page menu, add it to your menu.

    Thread Starter jpollie


    I found the base page and it worked.
    but when i press a question its messed-up.


    By the menu do you mean this? photo

    I have added that to my custom sidebar then i can go to ASK page. And the overview page.

    Plugin Author Rahul Aryan


    Oh debug is enabled… just hold 5 minutes let me push a quick fix

    Plugin Author Rahul Aryan


    now re update the plugin

    Thread Starter jpollie


    Oke working now ??

    Can i make it open for everyone, without them having to login to my website.

    Plugin Author Rahul Aryan


    In v1

    Thread Starter jpollie


    Oke thank you waiting for your V1 release. Its a must have for me, i would like to use it on an intranet as an bulletin board.

    On version 0.1.6 now. For next update can you please fill in the release notes so i know what’s changed.

    Thank you

    [Moderator note: Do not use topics for other plugins to promote your own plugins. That just isn’t cool.]

    Plugin Author Rahul Aryan


    Chris Charlwood, do not spam.

    Thread Starter jpollie


    Dear Nerdaryan,

    Can you please push an update where it will be possible for everyone to ask an new question without having to register.

    The ask question will not be shown when your not logged in.

    Waiting for you.

    Thank you already, greetings.

    Plugin Author Rahul Aryan


    Ok i will try after 16th, can you please add this request in github repo


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