Hi there,
Thank you for taking the time to leave us your feelings on Gutenberg.
I’d like to mention that we believe a new editor is due, WordPress is 15 years old, and bringing the editor into the present is a huge leap that we believe will benefit the majority of our users.
Not all sites use page builders (I would wager that the ones that do are fewer than those that do). For all those regular users, they want an editor that allows them more control of their content, without the mix of shortcodes they don’t know fully how to use, they were copied from an example on the internet etc. We want users to be able to work with their content and know what they are getting. Gutenberg allows this, blocks give a much clearer indication of the visual representation of your content (in the case of a shortcode, you can actually see what it will look like based on the configurations you provided).
What specifically made Gutenberg un-enjoyable in your case when it comes to content editing? Were there anything you did enjoy?