Can anybody help? I am dealing with exactly the reverse of this situation–I hope to migrate my posts from my spam-infested Movable Type 3.17 without importing the comments themselves. After a long period of neglect, I discovered belatedly that my server is not compatible with Blacklist (long story) and a ton of comments spam got through to MT (Ca. 22,000–around this time my MT quit letting me do bulk deletes!). My question is this–is there a way to execute the migration to WP that would leave off the old comments altogether? i.e., importing only the original content of the posts themselves?
I am still new to the developer side of this stuff, so please bear with me, but I would really appreciate any help you can offer–I would hate to abandon the several months of posts that I have at the Movable Type blog just because it got too spammed to save.