In the basic and in generally you have not understood how you can use our free Content internal linking plugin.
On internal linking description page of the plugin you can read about linking:
If you applied the plugin inside particular category – you will got relevancy by yourself, because in the same category (in normal case) you have posts with the same relevancy.
If you have all texts within same thematically direction (the whole site) – you will also need internal linking.
Since you want customize linking OR if you want to get all other possible combinations about internal linking – you need to get PRO plugin version.
As I see you use internal linking plugin completely wrong, as a result you will not get a positive effect.
Also is important to know, that SEO Post Content Links plugin does NOT modified your posts! The plugin creates cache above you existed content and works with the cache.
You do not understand what you are doing.
I would recommend you to contact our support for SEO consultations and additional assistance.
We will kindly help you to understand SEO and correct use of our plugin.
Best Regards,
SEO Content Links Support Team