Hi @calebprenger85
Let me answer your questions below:
# Rolling back is not a solution.
= Yes, I agree. This is only until fixes are released.
# It looks super amateurish on my part to be using the functionality of a plugin that just suddenly breaks for my clients or has a large warning that the block has been deprecated.
= Thanks for sharing the concern. I will speak to our developers and find a workaround. Maybe, remove the message once it’s read.
# When trying to select a single column, it’s not clear you are selecting a column; it still says the container is selected.
= The Flexbox container does not work as the old method of rows and columns. Everything is a container. I understand there might be a bit of a learning curve, however, I think you can understand how it works in just a bit. Do you use the List View feature of Gutenberg? It is very useful to understand the structure of the page and which block you have selected.I recorded a video few minutes ago that shows this feature: https://d.pr/v/8uaQPJ
Sometimes I have a row that has a background color; then I insert another advanced column in order to add a background image and then another advanced row on top of that to insert the content. This functionality no longer works with your new container block. I can insert a container, but I can’t have more than one column for whatever reason.
= What you aim to achieve should certainly be possible. Could you share a screenshot of your design? I can try and record a video while replicating your design. By the way, our team is already working on creating some video tutorials to explain how to properly use the new container block.
I created a 2 column container; when I change the responsive screen size to tablet to apply a min-height to one of the columns, or at least try to, that specific column crashes and no longer works.
I tried to replicate this here: https://d.pr/v/VtcPEa as you can see, I could not replicate it. Am I missing something?
This is an advanced feature, but I was using your helper classes for UAGB built-in to parse some CSS for other pages. I updated a specific site, and it completely broke that website.
I would like to know more about this and maybe see the possibility of still allowing you to use a similar feature in the latest version. Could you probably make a screencast video and share it?
I used to be able to push down to select an advanced column row, then down again to select a column, and so on. This functionality is gone.
Could you elaborate more on what you mean by “push down”? If possible, we can look into bringing this back.
Thank you so much for the detailed feedback. This is really helpful.
If you would like to continue the discussion via email, where we can share private and confidential details such as videos and screencasts, I would encourage you to lodge a support ticket from our website here: https://wpspectra.com/support/open-a-ticket/