• Almost have this working correctly. In the EBD settings 9.2 I have

    Hello [requesting_name],
    Here is the download for <a href="[file_urls]">[file_name]</a> that you requested.

    I only get the first link and it looks like this…

    Hello teresa, Here is the download for {both titles came out here}
    ">[file_name] that you requested.

    I suspect I have missed some configuration detail to use the EBD form but I am stumped.


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  • just put [file_urls]

    don’t put the a href stuff or the [file_name] thing

    Thread Starter thardy99


    Ah progress, hidden in plain site as I expected. This gives me links but the links don’t work, giving a 500 error.

    I have it set up as a hide/mask and cURL is enabled, 1week expiration.

    Not sure if this is related, just digging through the code.
    I think there is an open curly brace missing for the else on line 44 of download.php

    else $file = do_shortcode('[download_data id="'.$ebd_link->selected_id.'" data="download_link"]');

    should be

    else { $file = do_shortcode('[download_data id="'.$ebd_link->selected_id.'" data="download_link"]');


    Thread Starter thardy99


    Well it is definitely related but there must be another typo in this part of the code. I took that { after the else out on line 44 and the downloads work. Not sure I am going to release to production until I sort through this part of the code to fix. I am so close to a solution here!


    No, that doesn’t sound right. There is no missing opening curly brace.

    Line 44 is a one line else statement in PHP. No opening or closing curly brace is needed. The closing curly brace on line 49 goes with the opening curly brace on line 37.

    Tons of people use download.php without any edits. You should not need to edit anything for basic functionality.

    That said, I’m not 100% certain that multiple urls (checkboxes) works properly with hide/mask and/or expiration (so you may end up needing to make mods). I can’t quite remember. I know that I ended up making some mods for some reason that I can’t recall any more.

    What I would do if I were you is put download.php back like it was and then get it working with the defaults. Don’t do hide/mask, definitely don’t do expiration. Just get the default stuff working. Once it’s working, try hide/mask and see if it still works. If so, then try expiration … note that once things get in the database then things can get weird, so you may already be in a weird state. If I were in your shoes, I would start over with a completely new form (to get a new form id), make completely new downloads (to get new download ids) and I would use new filenames too just to be safe, then make a completely new page in wordpress and put your new shortcode in that new page and then test. It’s important that you don’t accidentally use any of the old stuff — if you do, then it might end up pulling old stuff from the database and mess up.

    ps – if you do get a 500 server error at some point, then look at your webserver log to find out what the error is.

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