• Resolved rguzzo


    Hi! I am getting all enhanced ecommerce events properly, however I am not getting any purchase event at all on my site.

    My problem is 2 fold.

    1. When the user pays by credit card, he is properly redirected to the order-received page. (My website is in portuguese, so that’s actually pedido-recebido). Purchase events should be sent, am i right? They are not being sent.
    2. When the user pays via bank transfer he’s not tranferred to the order-received page. Is there anyway I can track these purchase events?

    here is my system info

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    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

Viewing 1 replies (of 1 total)
  • Saif


    Hello @rguzzo,

    Thank you for reaching out!

    I understand that purchase events are not being tracked. This issue primarily stems from something overriding the behavior of the WooCommerce thank you page, as you mentioned.

    The best way to determine if that’s not the case is to switch to the Storefront theme and disable any checkout workflow plugins. Also, please make sure purchase events are activated WooCommerce > Settings > Integrations > Google Analytics.

    If that didn’t help, then please attach a copy of your site’s system status report again which can be found in WooCommerce > Status.

    Select “Get system report” and then “Copy for support”.? Once you’ve done that, paste it here in your response.

    It’s also worth checking if there are any fatal error logs from WooCommerce > Status > Logs and choosing from the drop-down menu the fatal-errors.log option.

    Look forward to hearing back from you.

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