• Resolved mrks.7777


    i am using postman in my all woocommerce site with gmail and it was working like charm. but dont know why it just stops sending mail for all of my domains. i did not change anything it just stopped work for all of my sites in my host. i also use a restaurant reservation plugin. not even getting any mail from table booking plugin as well. postman not even sending the test mail. when i do the connectivity test it shows this error message


    ? ?? Port 443 can be used to send Gmail with the Gmail API.
    ? No outbound route between this site and the Internet on Port 25.
    ? No outbound route between this site and the Internet on Port 465.
    ? No outbound route between this site and the Internet on Port 587.

    A port with Service Available “No” indicates one or more of these issues:

    1.Your web host has placed a firewall between this site and the Internet
    2.The SMTP hostname is wrong or the mail server does not provide service on this port
    3.Your PHP configuration is preventing outbound connections
    4.Your WordPress configuration is preventing outbound connections

    If the issues above can not be resolved, your last option is to configure Postman to use an email account managed by your web host with an SMTP server managed by your web host.


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  • Plugin Author Jason Hendriks


    All your ports (except 443) are blocked by your host. Are you using a Gmail address with the Gmail API like it says you can?

    Thread Starter mrks.7777


    ya i am using my gmail account [email protected]
    security SMTPS
    authentication: oAuth2.0

    Authorized JavaScript origins https://juborajbristol.co.uk
    Authorized redirect URI https://juborajbristol.co.uk/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=postman
    Client ID 339097590995-16vahk6shekdlhr4kcuufei6sg9lnnk9.apps.googleusercontent.com
    Client Secret 097hovMSMSNm33yPBASFbjgj

    in advanced setting the port number is 465
    i have chaged it to 443 as well but no luck

    Plugin Author Jason Hendriks


    You can’t use SMTPS, your ports are blocked.

    In Advanced Settings > Account > Transport: choose Gmail API

    You should use the Wizard to setup Postman if you are unfamiliar with how email works.

    Thread Starter mrks.7777


    i tried gmail api still failed
    showing the error message

    Error calling POST https://www.googleapis.com/gmail/v1/users/me/messages/send: (403) Access Not Configured. The API (Gmail API) is not enabled for your project. Please use the Google Developers Console to update your configuration.

    Plugin Author Jason Hendriks


    Go into the Google Developer Console and enable the Gmail API, just like it says.

    Use this wizard to create or select a project in the Google Developers Console and automatically enable the API.

    Thread Starter mrks.7777


    it is working now great. thanks
    do i need to do that for all other sites as well?
    i contacted with hostgator as well they just said

    “we have recently added a new firewall, your php scripts will not work temporarily. we are working on a fix for this now. you will just need to patient, nothing is wrong with your site.

    what to do?

    can i please as another question how can i use one gmail account for different domains?

    Plugin Author Jason Hendriks


    do i need to do that for all other sites as well?

    I don’t know, are they broken as well?

    Note that each website you use must have it’s own Google Client ID.

    how can i use one gmail account for different domains?

    You can use one Gmail account for all your websites if you really want to. As long as you create a new Client ID for each one.

    Thread Starter mrks.7777


    how i can use one gmail id? because when i want to get the client id and client secret they ase for Authorized JavaScript origins and Authorized redirect URI and these are different for different domains.

    Plugin Author Jason Hendriks


    Login to the Google Developer Console with the same Gmail account.

    Then choose Credentials from the menu on the left, then click the Add Credentials button > OAuth 2.0 client iD and put in the URLs for your additional domain/website.

    Thread Starter mrks.7777


    you are so helpful and really really appreciate that. you are life saving. thanks and i will advertise your product.
    now i think the problem happened due to my hosting company host gator. they added some new firewall and put lot of pressure on my head.

    Plugin Author Jason Hendriks


    That’s ok. The Gmail API gets around their firewall. Your site will not be affected now.


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