• Resolved frankg26


    Hello all,

    I have to change the main email address in General Settings for admin purposes. However, I have yet to receive the confirmation email I have tried four times.

    Anybody else having this issue?

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    technicalcat (@technicalcat)
    I found a workaround. Go to this link: https://yourdomainname.com/wp-admin/options.php. (just copy and paste- apparently you can’t find this page any other way) Do a search for the old email (the one you are ditching) and replace with your new one. Save. Now you don’t need the email confirmation.

    FANTASTIC THIS WORKED – had to scroll for a while before finding where the email is… changed it- JOB DONE !!!



    Copied and pasted this link with my domain name but all it did was take me to my login screen. How in the world could this work?



    This is still an issue! I have not found any workaround that works. Does anyone at WordPress monitor this forum? If so, why has this not been fixed in over a year?!!


    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    @mikeha Please do not use the “report this topic” link like that. There’s nothing here requiring moderator attention.

    If you want help, start your own topic and don’t jump in on a 1 year old topic.

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