Hi @tasha34
We had users that successfully migrated redirections from other solutions, including Excel files and other plugins as well.
Nevertheless there is conversion needed that you have to setup manually on your own or with your developer, our redirection JSON template is pretty simple.
In any case, we never said that our plugin support formats of plugins, it’s more rather that you can migrate, or restore existing redirection rule set from our plugin to our plugin.
Here you can find example for these redirections:
- https://first.from.domain?->?https://first.to.domain
- https://second.from.domain?->?https://second.to.domain
- https://third.from.domain?->?https://third.to.domain
Here’s example JSON file for these redirections: https://hastebin.com/share/irunucosow.json
You also need to adjust (increment) ID of each redirection.
Feel free to study that JSON structure and perform some automated operation which will generate all entires of your previous solution.