Thanks for your supporting.
I have used this pieces of code in the function.php
add_filter('wpdiscuz_rating_schema', function ( $rating_schema, $key, $postid ){
$my_rating_schema = 'Book';
$rating_schema = str_replace(__('Article Rating', 'wpdiscuz'), $my_rating_schema . ' Rating', $rating_schema);
return preg_replace( '|schema\.org\/Product|i', '' . sanitize_text_field($my_rating_schema) , $rating_schema);
},11, 3);
and I have not seen any errors in the Google Structured Data Testing.
but when I used Software Application Code, I saw some below warning:
The applicationCategory field is recommended. Please provide a value if available.
The offers field is recommended. Please provide a value if available.
The operatingSystem field is recommended. Please provide a value if available.
Two of offers, aggregateRating, applicationCategory, or operatingSystem are required.
How can I use both of them for some pages??
How can I solve Software Application warning??
thanks in advance
This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by