Not compatible with themes…
- least none that I have tried. Could the devs include recommendations for viable themes?
Hi webbrewers, thanks for your comment.
Can you provide me a name of a particular theme you are having trouble getting this plugin to work with?
I’m in the process of setting up some demo websites with various wordpress themes and have a few located at this link.
Easy Property Listings Theme Demos
It currently works for TwentyTwelve, TwentyThirteen, TwentyFourteen and the page templates are based on the HTML5 TwentyTwelve theme so any theme using this format should work.
Frameworks and Custom themes
Frameworks and custom themes require some additional modifications to the single-listing.php and single-archive.php, currently supported with no modifications are the Genesis Framework by StudioPress themes and all iThemes Builder Themes as these themese require special code to work.
This post explains how the listing templates work.
Also we are aware of an issue where the plugin is not flushing the WordPress permalinks. This may be the issue. Go to Settings > Permalinks and press Save Changes. That should flush them and get the post slug working correctly.
Just setup a quick demo using the Stargazer theme
That theme calls the sidebar differently from the default settings, so what I had to do was copy the two default template file from the plugin folder
archive-listing.phpInto the theme/child theme directory. For this particular theme I had to remove the line get_sidebar(); as this theme calls the sidebar an alternative way and the sidebar items ended up below the content.
Let me know any other themes you tested with and i’ll install and see if i can get it to work.
Thanks for your feedback!
PS: Looking to release an update early next week which addresses the permalink save and the settings not updating after save.
Thanks for the detailed response.
Themes I’ve tried that don’t work well:
Panoramica (CPO Themes)
Twenty Thirteen
Modern EstateIt looks like there’s a conflict in some between the grid layout used and the property listing layout:
<body class="single single-property postid-7 logged-in admin-bar customize-support"> <div class="header_wrapper"> <div class="container_24"></div> </div> <div class="spacer"></div> <div id="primary" class="site-content"> <div id="content" role="main"> <div class="page_heading_content"> <div class="grid_16 alpha"> <div class="loop"> <div class="loop-content"> <div id="post-7" class="post-7 property type-property status-publish hentry epl-property-single view-expanded"></div> <!-- end property -->
Just testing the Felicity theme and managed to update the two template files. Works well, the difficulty is every theme template is built differently and some of the classes are required for correct sidebar.
Felicity Demo with Easy Property Listings
The way the plugin is designed is by calling one function for a single listing and another function for the archive page.
Single Listing Function
<?php echo epl_property_blog(); ?>
Archive Listing Function
<?php echo epl_property_blog(); ?>
Think of these functions as the get_template_part() WordPress function.
Here is the new Archive file for the Felicity theme. What i had to do was add the themes necessary wrapper clasee in this particular case.
<div class="standard-posts-wrapper"> <div class="posts-wrapper"> <?php echo epl_property_blog(); ?> </div> </div>
It’s just a matter of determining the correct place to insert the functions for it to work. So many different programmers writing in different ways makes it hard for this to work instantly for every theme.
We did not use a filter content function because we are attempting to insert Address, price, icons into the the_title() and all this would be wrapped in a
tag, not good for seo. Also same reason for not using a filter for the_content(); this seems to be the best way for easy integration for any theme without filtering the_content() and the_title().Below is the new archive-listing.php for the Felicity Theme
<?php /* Template Name: Page With Right Sidebar * * @package Felicity */ get_header(); ?> <div id="main" class="col2-l"> <?php /* The loop */ ?> <?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?> <div class="standard-posts-wrapper"> <div class="posts-wrapper"> <?php echo epl_property_blog(); ?> </div> </div> <?php if ( of_get_option('page_sidebar_position') != 'none' ) { ?> <div class="sidebar-frame"> <div class="sidebar"> <?php get_sidebar(); ?> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php endwhile; ?> </div><!--main--> <?php get_footer(); ?>
Below is the new single-listing.php for the Felicity Theme.
* This particular theme requires an additional function to enable the sidebar for custom post types.
<?php /* * Single Template for Property Custom Post Type : property */ // Exit if accessed directly get_header(); ?> <div id="main" class="<?php echo of_get_option('layout_settings');?>"> <?php // Start the Loop. while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?> <div id="content-box"> <div id="post-body"> <div <?php post_class('post-single'); ?>> <?php if ( function_exists('epl_property_single') ) { echo epl_property_single(); } ?> </div><!--post-single--> <?php get_template_part('post','sidebar'); ?> </div><!--post-body--> </div><!--content-box--> <?php endwhile; ?> </div><!--main--> <?php get_footer(); ?>
What you say makes sense – but you have to be careful what you replace in the child theme template, at least with some themes.
I see with Felicity the sidebar is still misbehaving…but I tried it with Traffica and it worked, as long as I left the theme’s “else” statement after “the_post” code.Yes you nave to place and edit the tempalate and make sure every div is accounted for. It can take a few tries with some themes where others written using WordPress standards should work quickly.
I’ll be creating a few tutorial videos to assit in easy theme implementation. But the core of the plugin has been designed to integrate as easily as possible for every theme.
Personlally i’m hooked using a framework in this case I exclusively use Builder Theme and create a custom child theme.
Using the same framework to create every website means every time I go back to a customers website, I know exactly how it works and can make adjustments, add features faster.
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