What I meant was by the “But, still doesn’t work.” is that when I tried inputting the following shortcode after trying to first method, it still displayed the same message. I tried again to do the same thing, but still doesn’t display the events on the main page.
But, there was some code that was used to create the events table on the page. I commented out the code and this magically popped up during deletion in the main template used just on that page:
The original code I implemented and commented out was the following:
$page = ( !empty($_REQUEST['page']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['page']) )? $_REQUEST['page'] : 1;
$args = array(
'limit' => 10,
'scope' => 'today',
'pagination' => 1
if (isset($_REQUEST['c'])) {
$args['category'] = $_REQUEST['c'];
$args['scope'] = 'future';
$args['offset'] = $args['limit'] * ($page-1);
$events = em_get_events_array($args);
$size = sizeof($events)-1;
echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' id='current-events' >";
for ($i=0;$i<$size;$i++) {
echo "<tr><td class='startdate_cost_td'>
<span class='start_time'>" . $events[$i][0] .
"</span><br/><span class='cost'>" . $events[$i][3] .
"</span></td><td class='event_image'>";
if ($events[$i][5] == '') {
echo "<img src='../../../wp-includes/images/default_img.jpg' />";
else {
echo $events[$i][5];
echo "</td><td class='event_title'>" . $events[$i][2] .
"<br/><i><span class='location_name'>@". $events[$i][1] .
"</span></i><br />" .$events[$i][4] .
"<div id='read_more_wrapper'>" .
"<img src='../../../wp-includes/images/little_pink_arrow.jpg' /><a href='" . $events[$i][8] . "' class='pink_link'>READ MORE</a></td></tr>" .
echo "</table>";
$last_index = count($events) - 1;
echo $events[$last_index][0];
I’m wondering now, if you look on testbuzz.illinimedia.com, how now to get the events to display properly (like this events pages?