Not auto otimizing images – huge admin-ajax.php load time
I would like to ask you for help. Recently I purchased RSS Autopilot Plugin and after couple imported posts with images I realised that those images are not being optimised automatically. I started investigating what is going on. I have also disabled all the plugins but EWWW didn’t start optimising images anyway. I have also removed EWWW plugin from my site and database but no luck after installing back ??
Every time I enable EWWW plugin the admin-ajax.php load time increase dramatically.. Please see this screenshot from NewRelic here
If enabling EWWW all by itself starts firing admin-ajax.php a lot, that indicates an image regeneration bug in your theme or another plugin. Fortunately, we have a built-in debugger for that.
1. Turn on EWWW’s debug option
2. Wait a bit. In most cases I say a few hours or up to a day, but you can probably continue in 10 minutes or so.
3. Visit the Dynamic Image Debugging page under the Media Library (only visible when Debugging is enabled).
4. Check the trace log to see what is generating the images, feel free to post a trace or two here (via pastebin) if you’re not sure how to interpret the information.Hello and thanks for getting back to me that quick,
I actually did and wanted to include that trace result into the OneDrive folder I shared with you but I accidentally hit enter while including the OneDrive link and I could’t edit either replay to this post until now. So… here is the debug trace info.
By the way, you right… as soon as I enable EWWW it starts firing admin-ajax.php so I had to disable it for now because it blocks my RSS Autopilot plugin from importing posts. I really like EWWW cause it does good job and I definitely use your plugin along with all my plugins.
I would appreciate a lot, if you at least find a time to go through the debug log and help me to find a solution.
Thank you in advance
That’s not quite the debug information I need. Check the Dynamic Image Debugging page, you’ll see a section for each image that has been re-optimized, sorted by worst offenders at the top. I only need to see the trace logs for a couple of them.
Hi and sorry for that wrong debug info,
I have uploaded 3 txt files to the same folder I am sharing with you, so you should be able to see themthere. One of the debug trace info is of an un-optimised image, the other one is of an optimised image already and the other is when new image is uploaded.
Here is the link with those txt files.
I didn’t get what you meant by “sorted by worst offenders at the top”. I don’t see any option like that.
I hope that’s the info you need
Thank you
Still not the right information. There should literally be a menu item on the WP menu that says “Dynamic Image Debugging” (unless you’re using a different locale). So the Media menu should look something like this:
Add New
Unoptimized Images
Bulk Optimize
Dynamic Image DebuggingThat last one is what we need to look at to give us the information we need.
Alternatively, if you know your way around mysql at all, you could open your database up with something like phpmyadmin, sort the ewwwio_images table by the ‘updates’ column, and then look for a couple of those that have stuff in the ‘trace’ column, and download those.
They may download as .bin file, but they are just plain text, you can open those in notepad, or whatever text editor you have handy, or just upload them as-is.
Hello and thanks for this. I finally find it so I’ve just turned the debugging on and I wait what I get. I will upload it tomorrow and maybe I’ll try the mysql way. Will see ??
Thanks a lot for all this
Here is it but I only grabbed that from the Dynamic Image Debugging section in WP
However, all of the results are looking like this >>> PHP trace: Cannot display trace.
I hope this will tell you at least something.
I have new Dynamic Image Debugging info from WordPress section as I ran Bulk Optimize of unoptimised images manually. Check this out
Hmm, that doesn’t show anything abnormal at all.
But I think I just realized what might have been causing the load before. Did you have scheduled optimization enabled at any point?
With 2.9, I revamped the scheduler, and it would have run a ton of ajax calls to queue up all the images.
In 2.9.6, I reverted that because it was causing a potential for duplicate optimization.
If that was the root of your problem, then 2.9.6 should fix that and not cause excessive load due to admin-ajax.php.Sorry for the delay,
well, I am currently having this option enabled but I don’t really need to use scheduled optimisation if the images get optimised on upload. However, I’ve got other media folders which are part of different plugins and I would like to make sure those images get optimised either on upload or scheduled too.
I had some troubles while uploading images from the front-end before. It took really long time to upload a single image and therefore I tried the Scheduled option but that doesn’t work on me site for some reason anymore.
So what I am trying to achieve here is to have all the images optimised either on upload or scheduled before they are uploaded to my CDN – CloudFront but that’s for a further discussion. Actually, I am more up for an option which will have the smallest impact on performance and of course to be very fast for members of my site while they’re uploading their images to my site. I have enough server power resources to achieve that I guess, but I am unable to get the EWWW plugin working neither the automatic optimisation way on upload nor scheduled way now. I do generate 17 different sizes for single image where I disabled the 3 default WP sizes from being generated as I don’t need them in my theme. I am also planning to reduce the amount of images being generated for my theme soon.
Help me solve those issues I am having with EWWW as it was already working fine back then, please.
2.9.6 update didn’t fix “load due to admin-ajax.php” issue and also it’s not auto optimising images neither on upload nor when scheduled option is enabled.I’ve tried everything form removing the plugin and installing it again. As from my last investigations I’ve made, I came to a conclusion that disabling all the plugins didn’t solve all the issues I am having with either automated optimisation on upload or scheduled optimisation and of course the other issue what’s regarding ajax calls.
I will appreciate any kind of suggestion or idea
Two things here:
first, search your wp_options table for anything that says %ewwwio_image_optimize% (the percent signs are wildcards). Delete anything you find with that exact string in the option name. I think we might have a residual queue from before 2.9.6 that is still trying to kick in when you activate.second, try this:
let me know if there are any improvements you notice, as well as anything that is still broken. Once you’ve done item #1, scheduled optimization will be safe again.
I think I have searched only for ewww items within the wp_options table and I have removed that already, but I will do it once again as you suggested and will see ??
I’ll let you know soon.
I’ve done it again but it’s still the same. Maybe, I forgot to mention that I’am using a multisite install. I have also removed everything that says %ewwwio_image_optimize% in other wp_options tables and also I removed wp_ewwwio_images table completely from all sites. I also searched for EWWW string in my entire database and I found about 20K entries in the wp_sitemeta table and about 1K entries in wp_postmeta table but I left those in the place. When I uploaded the new EWWW plugin and network activated… my previous setting was already there for some reason.
Also, I am using WP clean up optimizer I can see all the cron jobs there and one of them is:
Delete Hourly No Args 30 Aug, 2016 2:26 PM UTC
In About 26 minsBut it never runs ??
I ma planning to reinstall the WordPress to see if it will help. So I will make a clean install and copy my current config files along with .htaccess file and wp-content folder into the newly installed WP and then I will import my backed up database, however, I am a bit sceptic about uploading my current database as I think the problem is somewhere in there.
I’ll wait for your another opinions.
yeah, I’m not sure if a clean install would do anything, (your EWWW settings would still be intact, they don’t ever get erased) and you really shouldn’t remove the ewwwio_images table. Doing that will cause the plugin to forget what it’s already done, and start from scratch.
On the scheduled optimizer (ewww_image_optimizer_auto), you can turn on EWWW’s debugging option, and then check the debug.log file in the ewww-image-optimizer folder to see how far it gets before it dies. Perhaps the scan is taking longer than your host allows it to run.
Send it to me via and I can look through it if you like.
Lastly, with the admin-ajax.php issue, is that still firing non-stop as soon as you activate? If so, can you post some of the access logs from when that is running? That would help me pinpoint which function is running those requests.
I use NewRelic to monitor my websites and servers. Here you are some errors I pulled out from there:
E_ERROR: Maximum execution time of 300 seconds exceeded
in ewww_image_optimizer_aux_images_loop called at /home/marketon/web/ (1083)
in ewww_image_optimizer_auto called at ? (?)
in call_user_func_array called at /home/marketon/web/ (600)
in do_action_ref_array called at /home/marketon/web/ (117)If you PM your email address I can add you to my NewRelic account in order to see what’s happening.
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