Hi @monbauza
I was running WP v5.2.2 with YoastSEO v11.5.
Launching the configuration wizard presented me with a page along the lines of ‘unable to begin, likely due to a plugin conflict’
I manually disabled all plugins and activated the Twenty Nineteen v1.4 theme.
This did not resolve the issue and I attempted to seek support but there was no clear way to get some basic support beyond what I had already done.
I was either prompted to purchase the premium plugin for support or follow a tedious Github reporting system, which already had several reports with identical titles and very similar sounding issues, to which all had been closed without little help other than what has been listed above.
I’ve spent much more time trying to troubleshoot this, I’m not going to waste more time trying to navigate this confusing mess to find support or fall into YoastSEO’s funnel of premium users when I can easily install a much more professional option that works out of the box and isn’t trying to empty my pockets around every corner.
Thank you for your reply, I do not wish to proceed with troubleshooting.
This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by
This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by