• Resolved Grace n Ease



    When I activate your plugin, in the settings tab, nothing is showing up to allow (or not) the avatar suggestions.

    The avatar suggestions tab seems to be working in admin.
    The avatar suggestions doesn’t show up in the change avatar area of the user’s profile, of course since I can’t activate that option.

    Any suggestions?
    I’m using buddypress 1.6.1


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  • Hello,

    Once you activated the plugin in the WordPress admin plugin list, it automatically adds the option allowing people to choose from a list of suggested avatars.

    So in the BuddyPress settings admin area, you should already have 5 tabs :

    1. Components
    2. Pages
    3. Settings
    4. Forums
    5. Avatar Suggestions

    Now if for example you go in the BuddyPress settings tab, you should see the ‘Avatar Suggestions’ option is already checked. So you don’t need to change this.
    Actually if this option is unchecked then the Avatar Suggestions tab won’t show..

    If you have the Avatar Suggestions tab in the BuddyPress admin area, you can go there and begin adding your suggested avatars.

    Once done, suggested avatars are targeting users that didn’t already upload an avatar. In the description of the plugin i added a “NB” to try to explain that behavior :

    NB : in the user’s “change avatar” profile page, the list is only showing if the user has not uploaded an avatar yet.

    So if the user never uploaded an avatar and is a mystery man or has a gravatar, then the suggestion list will show. Again if the user has uploaded his avatar, the list won’t show.

    I’ve tested this plugin on WP 3.4.2 and BP 1.6.1 (single or Multisite) and in WP 3.5 RC1 and BP 1.7 bleeding. Everything seems to work fine. I hope this explanation will help you fix the trouble.

    Thread Starter Grace n Ease


    The option does not show up in the “settings”.

    However, that isn’t an issue for me. If I have the plugin activated, I want the avatar suggestions to show.

    I must have misunderstood about an avatar already being uploaded. If the avatar is deleted, then the suggested show up. The option to upload is still there and once an avatar is uploaded, the suggestions leave again. As long as the user is using the suggested avatars, the suggestions stay. If someone decides to upload an avatar, as long as they use the uploaded avatar, the suggestions won’t show up. I will place some instructions on this functionality on my site.

    It works great for me the way it is. I don’t need the option to allow or disallow, I will just disable to plugin if I don’t want to offer it. Thanks for the plugin and thanks for such a quick response.

    I have been waiting a long time for this exact plugin. It’s great.

    Thread Starter Grace n Ease


    One more thing.. I don’t know what happened, but the option does show up in the settings now. Disregard this issue. Apparently it was an error on my part somewhere.

    Again, thanks for this plugin. It is great and much needed for me.

    Thanks for your feedback @grace-n-ease and you’re welcome ??

    Hi imath.

    Great looking plug-in and I’m really hoping to put it to use.

    So far, everything appears to be working correctly in the BuddyPress settings admin area, and I’ve been able to set up a handful of avatars in the Avatar Suggestions tab.

    I’m still just beginning to learn php so forgive my ignorance. I can tell you I’m using a BP child theme and the following plugins:

    BP Avatar Suggestions
    BP Default Group Avatar
    BP My Home
    Buddy-bbPress Support Topic
    BuddyPress FolowMe
    BuddyPress Group Email Subscription
    BuddyPress Real Names
    BuddyPress Security Check
    Invite Anyone
    Jetpack by WordPress.com
    Mass Messaging in BuddyPress
    WP Super Cache

    When a user goes to the change-avatar page the Avatar Suggestions just do not appear.

    I’m sure I’m probably running another plugin that’s causing a conflict but since I’m so unfamiliar with php or how to route out the problem I’m hoping you have some advice. Ultimately I just want to be able to offer users a variety of avatar options right from the change-avatar page without navigating to the WP profile page.

    Okay, it appears the conflict is between BP Avatar Suggestions and BP Default Group Avatar. I’ve turned off BP Default Group Avatar in favor of this plugin.

    Any suggestions on making them compatible?

    Thanks so much.

    i’ll look at it. Thanks for your feedback and interest in this plugin.

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