This code snippet will write a trace of your submitted profile fields and the terminating profile redirect URL to /wp-content/debug.log
for finding the failing UM code. I have also included tests for “Mod Security” and “open_basedir”.
add_filter( 'um_submit_post_form', 'um_submit_post_form_debug', 10, 1 );
function um_submit_post_form_debug( $post_form ) {
if ( ! empty( array_intersect( array_map( 'strtolower', get_loaded_extensions()), array( 'mod_security', 'mod security' )))) {
$trace = date_i18n( 'Y-m-d H:i:s ', current_time( 'timestamp' ));
file_put_contents( WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/debug.log', $trace . 'Mod Security: ACTIVE' . chr(13), FILE_APPEND );
$basedir = ini_get( 'open_basedir' );
if ( ! empty( $basedir )) {
$trace = date_i18n( 'Y-m-d H:i:s ', current_time( 'timestamp' ));
file_put_contents( WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/debug.log', $trace . 'open_basedir is active: ' . esc_html( $basedir ) . chr(13), FILE_APPEND );
foreach( $post_form as $key => $value ) {
$trace = date_i18n( 'Y-m-d H:i:s ', current_time( 'timestamp' )) . 'Filter um_submit_post_form: ';
if ( is_array( $value )) {
$value = 'array: ' . implode( ', ', $value );
file_put_contents( WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/debug.log', $trace . $key . ' => ' . esc_html( $value ) . chr(13), FILE_APPEND );
return $post_form;
add_filter( 'x_redirect_by', 'wp_redirect_custom_log', 10, 3 );
function wp_redirect_custom_log( $x_redirect_by, $location, $status ) {
$traces = debug_backtrace( DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT );
$plugin_trace = array();
foreach( $traces as $trace ) {
if( strpos( $trace['file'], '/plugins/' ) > 0 ) {
$file = explode( '/plugins/', $trace['file'] );
if( substr( $file[1], 0, 22 ) != 'wp_redirect_custom_log' ) {
$plugin_trace[] = $file[1] . ':' . $trace['line'];
$trace = date_i18n( 'Y-m-d H:i:s ', current_time( 'timestamp' ));
$trace .= 'redirect by ' . $x_redirect_by . ', ' . $location . ', ' . $status . ', ';
$trace .= 'stack trace: ' . implode( ', ', $plugin_trace );
file_put_contents( WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/debug.log', $trace . chr(13), FILE_APPEND );
return $x_redirect_by;
You can install this code snippet to your active theme’s functions.php
or use the “Code Snippets” plugin.