• Resolved Charlie312cz


    Hi all,

    the plugin seems very capable, but I am experiencing 2 problems:

    1. Can’t save assistant’s settings – after pressing Add New Assistant button the page reloads with the confirmation message but nothing gets actually saved.
    2. Chat window – although I am using the provided shortcode for embedded chat, there is 1:5 chance the chat will actually be embedded in the page and not floating in the corner. Sometimes it works, but mostly not – the embedded chat window visibly “blinks”, disappears and relocates itself to the corner.

    Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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  • Plugin Author kognetiks


    Hello Charlie,

    Did you upgrade from a prior install or is this a new install of the plugin?

    If it’s new try deactivating the plugin then delete it and down load it again from the plugin directory.

    if it was an upgrade and you have access to phpmyadmin, deactivate the plugin then use the DB interface to find and delete/drop the chatbot_chatgpt_assistants table, then the table will be recreated when you reactivate the plugin.

    I’m investigating the problem to see why it sometimes does this.


    Plugin Author kognetiks


    Hello Charlie,

    Is the behavior consistent across browsers both in regular mode and in incognito?

    Are you running any caching plugins? If so try clearing your plugin cache, your server cache, and your browser cache.

    What’s driving the random nature of sometimes floating and sometimes embedded? If there is another plugin driving this behavior, or is it the chatbot behaving unexpectedly?

    The random behavior suggests a caching conflict.


    Thread Starter Charlie312cz



    I am trying to investigate it further, but nothing seems to affect the result. It is happening on my dev site with fresh WP install with no other plugins whatsoever.

    I am in contact with my hosting support and it seems that the SQL request which is supposed to create new table for the plugin is not coming through.

    I will keep you posted.

    Thread Starter Charlie312cz


    It seems that the plugin is unfortunately the cause of some problems, at least on my hosting – it causes not just the problem with the table creation in database but it also disrupts some native functions of the WP, e.g. WebP images support (which is native since 5.8 but can’t be uploaded while the plugin is activated).

    The hosting is currently running on PHP 7.4 which may be causing this. I will switch to the latest version and get back to you.

    Thread Starter Charlie312cz


    Unfortunately after updating to the PHP 8.3.9 the problem still persists. Noticed problem summary:
    – can’t save Assistant at all (plugin tries to create a table in DB which result in some error not visible to the common user)
    – embedded window collapses into floating window randomly
    – plugin disrupts some functions of WP core when activated

    Plugin Author kognetiks


    Hello Charlie312cz (@charlie312cz),

    Apologies for my delay in responding.

    I was unexpectedly out of the office for several days.

    I’m looking into this issue now.

    In the meantime, you can always call your assistants directly in following format while I figure this out.

    [chatbot style=embedded assistant=asst_your_asst_id_goes_here]

    Let me know if that gives you an interium solution.


    Plugin Author kognetiks


    Hello Charlie312cz (@charlie312cz),

    Another installation reported a problem with .webp.

    In a detailed review of their installation I was able to determine that a filter was interfering with core functionality.

    When I commented out the offending line, the .webp problem resolved itself.

    In the next public release of the chatbot – version 2.0.7 – the filter will be removed.

    In the meantime, if you need a fix now for .webp, please reach out to me at suppport at kognetiks dot com.

    I can update you directly via email.

    I’m not sure if the table create function is the same problem or now.

    I’m still looking into this.

    Do you know what the charset collation for default is in your db?

    It’s probably something like utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci.

    I’m thinking that my SQL to create the table is failing because of something minor like that.

    I’m going to make a small change to the create assistants table function.

    If you’re interested in running a beta test for 2.0.7 ahead of the next release, le me know at support at kognetiks dot com.


    Plugin Author kognetiks



    Since I haven’t heard back from you in the last few days, I assume that your concern or issue has been resolved.

    Should you have any further concerns or issues, please do not hesitate to contact me.




    Hello Charlie,
    i’m using the version 2.1.5 with php 7.4 (still)

    i have the same issue like Stephen. i can’t create my assistant / save it. so i can’t customize it ??
    thank you for your help

    Plugin Author kognetiks


    Hello rolandpr (@rolandpr),

    If you have access to phpMyAdmin, from the admin interface to find and delete/drop the chatbot_chatgpt_assistants table, then the table will be recreated when you reactivate the plugin.

    You’ll want to open phpMyAdmin, select your database from the list on the left hand vertical column. Then select the “_chatbot_chatgtp_assistants” table from the list of tables in your DB. Now click on the Operations tab. Scroll to the very bottom, click the “Delete the table (Drop)”, confirm the delete. Then reactivate the plugin. The table will be created again. You should now be able to add/modify/delete assistants from the table.

    Note: Any information in the table will be deleted by this action. If you don’t have this data elsewhere, please record it.

    Reminder: Always backup your database before making any changes to ensure data safety and prevent loss.

    Feel free to reach out to me directly at support at kognetiks dot com.


    • This reply was modified 5 months ago by kognetiks.


    hi thank you for the fast answer.

    i deleted the mentioned table. after reloading the plugin settings the table was created, but this did not help.
    so i deleted all the chatbot_chatgpt* tables.. but did not change anything.
    here the data structure hope it helps you

    mysql> SELECT
    -> column_name, data_type, is_nullable, column_default
    -> FROM
    -> information_schema.columns
    -> WHERE
    -> table_schema = 'WPPromanPROD'
    -> AND table_name = 'wp_chatbot_chatgpt_assistants';
    | additional_instructions | text | NO | NULL |
    | allow_file_uploads | enum | NO | NULL |
    | allow_transcript_downloads | enum | NO | NULL |
    | assistant_id | varchar | NO | NULL |
    | audience | enum | NO | NULL |
    | common_name | varchar | NO | NULL |
    | id | bigint | NO | NULL |
    | initial_greeting | text | NO | NULL |
    | placeholder_prompt | text | NO | NULL |
    | show_assistant_name | enum | NO | NULL |
    | style | enum | NO | NULL |
    | subsequent_greeting | text | NO | NULL |
    | voice | enum | NO | NULL |


    i inserted manually every think in the table.. now it seams to work.. even an update is not working.. i have to write / update all data in the table manually

    Plugin Author kognetiks


    Hello rolandpr (@rolandpr),

    I’m going to add some additional error handling to the assistant table actions in the next release for the chatbot (2.1.6) which should be push to the Plugin directory tomorrow morning. I have a bit more testing to do. In that version, if you have turned on error logging in you WP instance, we should be able to catch the error and figure out what is not working here.

    You’ll want to turn on error loggin in your wp-config.php file.

    define('WP_DEBUG', true);
    define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true);
    define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false);
    define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true);
    @ini_set('display_errors', 'Off');

    You’ll wnat to enable WP_DEBUG so that we can catch the errors after the plugin is updated.




    I activated the debug mode, but when adding or updating an assistant, there is no debug information, as nothing seems to happen.

    However, I must admit that after completing all the inserts into the assistant table, the plugin is working perfectly. It’s the best plugin for OpenAI Assistant integration in WordPress that I’ve found!

    Plugin Author kognetiks


    Hello rolandpr (@rolandpr),

    Thank you for the compliment! I appreciate the positive feedback.

    I just released version 2.1.6 to the Plugin Directory.

    Please update the chatbot to the latest version at your convienece.

    Once, you do, then proceed to the Messages tab, then scroll down to the Messages and Diagnostics Settings and change the Chatbot Diagnostics to “Error”.

    I’ve greatly enhanced the error handling for various tables included the assistant’s table.

    If you experience any errors, proceed to the Tools tab where you may see an error log just for the chatbot. You can use the “Download” button to retireve the log and save it locally. It’s a text file.

    This log will be very helpful in determining if there is an error in the code.

    However, you’ll still want to monitor the debug.log found in the wp-content folder of your WordPress installation. This file in conjunction with the chatbot error should inform us where the error is occuring and why.

    I appreciate your help in resolving this issue. Please keep me posted here or directly at support at kognetiks dot com.



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