Respected Sir,
I reinstalled the entire WordPress and imported the default marketplace template. Please note that without making any changes in the code or adding additional CSS, the homepage cart icon color has no hover property. Inside the “Add to cart” button, the default cart color is blue and when you bring mouse over it, the cart color, where as the text “Add to Cart” changes to white on hover. Hence, in the same way the cart color should also be changed to white.
Please note that this bug is only present in the homepage (marketplace) page and not in the courses list page. If you visit the courses list page and hover the “Add to Cart” button the cart icon will also change to white and the “Add to Cart” text will also change to white.
Hence, I kindly request you to provide me the Additional CSS code for the market place page, so when any user hovers the “Add to Cart” button, the cart icon and the “Add to Cart” text both should change to white.
Also, note that this is the actual code which need to be deleted from the main code and it starts working.
.elementor-7359 .elementor-element.elementor-element-c5f975e .etlms-course-list-main-wrap .tutor-course-card .tutor-card-footer .tutor-btn-outline-primary [class^=”tutor-icon-“] {
color: #175CFF !important;
But I don’t want to disturb the main code, hence you please provide me additional CSS code.