Not practical. In some cases that would take hours.
So you would rather install things without first ensuring that they are, indeed, the correct tool for your needs or without knowing what (if any) constraints they might have? With all due respect, don’t you think that’s a little foolhardy?
it’s not in the spirit of most of the plugins on here – providing a free service.
I think you misunderstand what the WPORG plugin repo is about. It’s about providing free plugins – not about providing free services. There are many, very useful, commercial services that users wish to run on their sites. Some of the commercial companies involved offer free plugins to make the process as easy as possible. That is the free service that such SaaS plugins offer. It would be completely unrealistic to expect them to also offer their hosted services free of charge. is not about getting everything for free. It’s about offering open source, GPL solutions. And open source != free. It’s a mistake that quite a few people make. ??