• This is not a cloaking plugin. This is a plugin that makes your email address clickable. Every page builder has that today. What I was hoping for was that this would be a real cloaker that can protect my emails from bots. It’s not even close.

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  • Plugin Author webbernaut


    Below is a good article for you to read up on. It explains what Cloudflare, a very well know security company uses for their own email cloaking.


    The Cloak Front End Email plugin follows the same methodology. The email addresses are not in the source code of the website. Therefore any programing language that is doing a request to the site will scrape the source code of a website and since the email is not embedded in the source your emails will not be leaked.

    Source code will look like this:
    <span class=”cfe-jsemail”><a href=”#”>loading…</a></span>

    I actually have quite a bit experience with web scraping and this is why I developed this plugin. To help protect against email harvesting.

    As a side note, the cloaking methodology of [at] or [dot] can easily be scrape as you just have to tweak your regular expression that looks for @ and . to match these alternatives. These methods are actually less secure in terms of they still leak your email just in a different format. And a well versed programmer that is scraping sites for emails will just include those variations.

    Im not sure if WordPress allows changing a review star count but hopefully after this information you can make a better informed review on this plugin.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    @webbernaut There is nothing about this 90 day old review that needs a moderator to do anything.

    People in reviews are allowed to be wrong. You reply, you move on. The End.

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