• Resolved daymobrew


    I have a database where I store the tables for multiple WordPress installations (it is *not* WP Multisite).

    I ran WP Migrate DB Export and it exported *all* the tables in that database, not just the ones associated with the active WordPress installation (from where the Export was being run). The exported file was unnecessarily large.

    In wp-migrate-db.php the db_backup() function should probably check $table_prefix and skip those that don’t begin with that prefix.


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  • An upcoming version of the plugin fixes this exact problem, be on the look out for that release (coming soon).

    Thread Starter daymobrew


    Maybe this would work:

    foreach ( $tables as $table ) {
                if ( 'VIEW' == $table[1] ) continue;
                if (strpos($table[0], $table_prefix) != 0) continue; // ADDED
                $table = $table[0];

    Thread Starter daymobrew


    Oops, I posted my suggestion without refreshing the page.

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