• Resolved itiscosmic


    I am following up on a message that I requested assistance with earlier, but due to not being able to access the internet, I was unable to reply. ( I was out in the Northern Territory of Australia for a while, where there are places where the internet does not exist)

    I have since attempted to reply, but no one is responding, possibly as they felt I was no longer interested. However, this is not the case. Please help.

    Here is a summary or copy of the original issue.

    First contact :

    I have created two emails in MailPoet. Both look great in my desktop email, but when I view in my mobile it is horrible. Images are huge, you have to scroll for ages to find the relative information, I am disinclined to continue using the platform as my clients will find this irritating, as do I.

    How can I ensure the emails are responsive, my website is built in WordPress with Elementor page builder and I do not have responsive issues with my website on mobile.

    Any suggestions?

    My responses once back connected to internet wifi.

    I apologise for the lack of response from me. I have been away for a well-deserved break in the Northern Territory Australian outback, with no internet. I am now back and reading through my emails. I will revisit the problem and send you the relative information as soon as I can. Again, please accept my apologies for the lack of response.

    I have the information you requested - 
    name: [email protected]
    email: [email protected]
    PHP version: 7.4.33
    MailPoet Free version: 4.23.0
    MailPoet Premium version: N/A
    MailPoet Premium/MSS key: c39087540b878a83**
    WordPress version: 6.3
    Database version: 5.7.39-42-log
    Web server: Apache
    Server OS: Linux gsgp1008.siteground.asia 3.12.18-clouder0 #3 SMP PREEMPT Wed May 25 12:13:20 EEST 2022 x86_64
    WP info: WP_MEMORY_LIMIT: 256M - WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT: 768M - WP_DEBUG: - WordPress language: en_US
    PHP info: PHP max_execution_time: 120 - PHP memory_limit: 768M - PHP upload_max_filesize: 256M - PHP post_max_size: 256M
    Multisite environment?: No
    Current Theme: Astra (version 4.0.2)
    Active Plugin names: cleantalk-spam-protect/cleantalk.php, elementor-pro/elementor-pro.php, elementor/elementor.php, jetpack/jetpack.php, mailpoet/mailpoet.php, sg-cachepress/sg-cachepress.php, sg-security/sg-security.php, variation-swatches-woo/variation-swatches-woo.php, woocommerce-gateway-stripe/woocommerce-gateway-stripe.php, woocommerce/woocommerce.php, wordpress-starter/siteground-wizard.php
    Sending Method: MailPoet
    Sending Frequency: 25 emails every 5 minutes
    MailPoet sending info: Send all site's emails with: current sending method - Task Scheduler method: Action Scheduler - Cron ping URL: https://louisereiss-james.com?mailpoet_router&endpoint=cron_daemon&action=ping - Default FROM address: [email protected] - Default Reply-To address: [email protected] - Bounce Email Address: [email protected]
    Total number of subscribers: 51
    Plugin installed at: 2023-03-04 07:48:05
    Installed via WooCommerce onboarding wizard: false

    I ?have reattempted to create a welcome email, and all my tests show unresponsive blocks.??
    I will add the images to a Dropbox link for you to view. My issue is that the writing overlaps the image in mobile view, and you cannot read the writing.

    I am also finding that the side image of the template is now creating a separate ‘box’ image that elongates the newsletter instead of appearing next to the paragraph I have written.

    dropbox link –?https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/mrlwvzqr1lmqd1nd5tp5e/h?rlkey=a91svfxzl74ge8s65g0xp24dv&dl=0

    The first drop box link did not have all images – please find remainder?https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/18kvzdwq3hlwke65mkemt/h?rlkey=pijvq63i9v965lg0cbyupky1j&dl=0

    I hope someone can help me to correct this issue.


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  • Plugin Author Bruna a11n


    Hi @itiscosmic,

    Both look great in my desktop email, but when I view in my mobile it is horrible. Images are huge, you have to scroll for ages to find the relative information, I am disinclined to continue using the platform as my clients will find this irritating, as do I.

    MailPoet templates are responsive, and that may be the exact reason why the emails look different in the mobile version. For example, if you have too many two-column layouts added to your newsletters, the columns will be stack on top of each other in the mobile version, making the newsletter length longer. Is that what you’re referring to?

    My issue is that the writing overlaps the image in mobile view, and you cannot read the writing.

    That’s because you’re using an image background, so the text is supposed to be over the image. When the newsletter template is resized for the mobile screen size, the text position changes and may be over some dark background or other part of the image that makes it difficult to read. In this case, I suggest not using the image as a background of the column but a solid colour instead.

    I see the background image is not being loaded here, and this may be because some email clients do not support background images.

    I am also finding that the side image of the template is now creating a separate ‘box’ image that elongates the newsletter instead of appearing next to the paragraph I have written.

    That’s related to what I mentioned at the begining of this reply. The second column has an image block, and in the mobile view, as the template is responsive, this column is placed below the first column (where you have the text) instead of next to it. As this is a block image, you can go to its settings and check the “No padding” option for the image, so it doesn’t create any paddings.

    I hope it clarifies!

    Plugin Support kellymetal a11n


    Hi there @itiscosmic,

    We haven’t heard back from you in a while, so I’m going to mark this as resolved. If you have any further questions, please start a new thread.

    Have a wonderful day!

    Thread Starter itiscosmic


    I appreciate that my response is late, again. However I am not at my desk all the time and unfortunately, I forgot to check in with the site using my alternative email –
    But if I may.

    Both look great in my desktop email, but when I view in my mobile it is horrible. Images are huge, you have to scroll for ages to find the relative information, I am disinclined to continue using the platform as my clients will find this irritating, as do I.

    MailPoet templates are responsive, and that may be the exact reason why the emails look different in the mobile version. For example, if you have too many two-column layouts added to your newsletters, the columns will be stack on top of each other in the mobile version, making the newsletter length longer. Is that what you’re referring to?

    I am using the template you provided. I have not added nor deleted columns. I am using what your template offers. I guess I will have to create an email and then take screenshots or a screen video to show you. I am not at all in a place of clarification – rather a place of confusion

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