• Hi,

    Thank you for the plugin. I think it works great. But I do have one question. Is it possible to exclude or hide a calculated field from the form submission? I can use the conditional fields plugin to place a calculated field inside of a conditional group to hide the form element itself from the user as they interact with the form on the front-end, but when the form is submitted and the email is sent, or even if I store my submissions in my database using some submissions plugin, even the fields I have hidden using the conditional logic will still have their values reported in the email. I’m aware the email includes the feature to exclude lines with empty mail-tags, but some of the calculated fields I would like to hide aren’t necessarily empty. I have near-identical calculated fields in separate conditional groups, each of which are calculating at least some of the same fields. But only one of the calculated fields will ultimately be relevant with respect to the user’s previous form selections and inputted text, even though all of the calculated fields will have a calculated value stored in them. So the user doesn’t see the irrelevant calculated fields on the front-end, but the emails that get sent and the database entries that get saved will store every calculated field so that I have to go back and do the math to figure out which value is relevant. Is there some solution to excluding or hiding non-empty calculated fields?

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