Hi @3dmodelfree,
1) As some of URLs of my site containing non-english character, is there any possibility that the multiple cache version of my pages may be created?
– if you are using a multilingual plugin in your site and for each language, you have a different URL then I guess yes for each separate URL a fallback cache will be generated if you have enabled the fallback cache mode and those pages haven’t been cached by Cloudflare yet.
2) As WP-rocket have an option for caching mobile version of any webpages, I was wondering if there is a performance degradation of cache version of site in mobile devices with this plugin which has no option for mobile devices.
– I see no point in this. We are in 2020 and now no site has a separate mobile version of their website. The website uses and should use responsive design, so with responsive design there is no special cache for mobile devices. The same page gets transferred to the user device and then based on the responsive design it shows to the user how it is supposed to show.
3) I was wondering how could I increase the cache file age to something like 30days or 60days?
– Are you talking about fallback cache age? If so, by default fallback cache has TTL of 0 which means they never expire until you clear the cache or update the page.post. If you are talking about the Cloudflare cache and browser cache then the default settings should work perfectly. Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/eYhlfqI.png
btw, please suggest a reasonable solution for visiting cache version with mobile vs desktop.(number2)
– I have checked your website. It is a responsively designed website. So you don’t need any special mobile cache. The same page gets transferred to the desktop user and the mobile user. But the user sees the page how it is supposed to be showing on that device. On the smaller device: https://i.imgur.com/opRRX4b.png, on the larger device: https://i.imgur.com/TdXjZEQ.png
Both time the same HTML is being received by the browser. So I don’t understand the point of the mobile cache in the age of responsive designs.