• User recently reported that Edit button was not working. Reproduced issue easily. Tinkered with posting until I had minimized reproduction to the use of @mention in a post with a & nbsp; at the end of the post. It is unusual for a nbsp; to be at the end of a post but our site uses tinymce visual editor, which converts some blank trailing lines to nbsp; rather than stripping them. Any ideas why the combination of @mentions and nbsp; would break edit button and thoughts on work-around or patch?

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  • Plugin Support BuddyBoss Support


    Hey @atmojones,

    Could you let me know which plugin you have been using to transform activity post textarea into visual editor?

    Also can you check the javascript console for errors?

    In Chrome go to “View -> Developer -> Javascript Console” and in Firefox you can go to “Tools -> Web Developer -> Console”. let me know what errors if any you are getting!

    Thread Starter atmojones


    I will check the javascript console sometime today. But I should clarify that I can reproduce this on twentyseventeen theme with all plugins turned off except buddypress and edit activity using the post:

    & nbsp;

    The reason I mentioned visual editor at all was because this would not usually occur if someone was to put blank lines at the end of a normal post (they are stripped). You would need to type out & nbsp; randomly at the end of a post (whereas the visual editor converts trailing blank lines to this automatically).

    Thread Starter atmojones


    Here is the javascript error log:

    Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input
    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
    at Function.n.parseJSON (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:4)
    at Function.a.parseJSON (jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1:2)
    at Object.success (buddypress-edit-acti….min.js?ver=1.0.9:1)
    at i (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2)
    at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2)
    at y (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:4)
    at XMLHttpRequest.c (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:4)
    n.parseJSON @ jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:4
    a.parseJSON @ jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1:2
    success @ buddypress-edit-acti….min.js?ver=1.0.9:1
    i @ jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2
    fireWith @ jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2
    y @ jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:4
    c @ jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:4
    XMLHttpRequest.send (async)
    (anonymous) @ VM87:1
    send @ jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:4
    ajax @ jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:4
    buddypress_edit_activity_get @ buddypress-edit-acti….min.js?ver=1.0.9:1
    buddypress_edit_activity_initiate @ buddypress-edit-acti….min.js?ver=1.0.9:1
    onclick @ (index):472

    Plugin Support BuddyBoss Support


    Hi @atmojones!

    Could you create an admin account for me, and send in the login credentials so I can take a look? You can use [email protected] as the email address for sending in login credential.

    Note that we wouldn’t actually change anything, but just look at your activities to see what characters are in the raw activity content which has been breaking edit activity.


    Thread Starter atmojones


    I’ve made an account for you on our staging site using that email, so you can be pretty free to examine that without worry of breaking anything. It autogenerates a password but I think the onboarding email allows you to reset that.

    The most recent post on my activity page https://myfossil.staging.wpengine.com/members/mjones/ should demonstrate the issue.

    If you run in to any issues with testing, please let me know.

    Plugin Support BuddyBoss Support


    Hi @atmojones,

    Thanks for the providing login credential.

    I can confirm; I posted an activity with &nbsp; at the end, and I could reproduce the issue.

    I will open an internal bugticket for this so our developers can take a look at it and develop a fix.

    Thread Starter atmojones


    Thanks for looking in to this so diligently. Let me know if there is somewhere I can keep an eye this bugs resolution progress.

    Plugin Support BuddyBoss Support


    We track these types of issues internally. We actually use a separate system for tracking bug tickets and I can assure you that the Non-breaking space after at-mention breaks edit button issue is active and on our radar. Your support thread is tied to that internal system.

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