• Hello,
    This problem relates to my site only.
    I have noticed that there only is english version available at update page in the administration, even if the current language upgrade is already available.
    It shows “You can update to WordPress 3.1.2–en_US automatically or download the package and install it manually:”
    But it never shows a possibility to update to, say, “WordPress 3.1.2–cs_CZ”, even if it has already been released.

    It works well with another WP installations.
    So there really is a problem with this particular WP installation.
    Cheers Meereck

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  • Same problem here! With my other sites i can see it in dutch, but just with one site i can’t. Do i have to do something in my settings to get more then one language?

    Same problem here.
    Site is in german.
    in wp-config.php german is set to be standard language:
    define ('WPLANG', 'de_DE');

    but only english version is possible to choose on WordPress Updates page.

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